Thursday, January 25, 2024
Kansas State Capitol 
201 SW 8th Ave, Topeka, KS 66603

Please fill out your attendance plans, and we will be in touch with further details about the day!
1/22/24 note: New registrants welcome, but we are past the catering deadline; breakfast and lunch are not guaranteed.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Organization (if applicable)

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* 3. Email

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* 4. Cell Phone (for unexpected, last-minute updates)

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* 5. Home Address (to help us determine your legislative district):  (Those who live in Missouri or out-of-state, there is a place for you, too!)

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* 6. T-Shirt Size (we may get T-Shirts for the group)

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* 7. Breakfast (8:30 - 9:30 a.m.)
1/22/24 note: past catering deadline. Breakfast not guaranteed for new registrants

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* 8. Available to attend morning activities (9:30 a.m. - Noon)?
There will be something for everyone. Expected opportunities include advocacy day training, observing legislative meetings, visiting lawmakers, staffing IKC table, etc. - more details will be shared closer to date.
1/23/2024 note: We are currently at capacity for breakfast and training at KHI Learning Center, 8:30-10:30. Some advocates can instead observe legislative meetings during this time. Watch for emailed instructions.

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* 9. Lunch in 1st Floor North Wing (Noon - 1 p.m.)
1/22/24 note: past catering deadline. Lunch not guaranteed for new registrants

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* 10. Please list any special dietary needs:

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* 11. Available to attend afternoon activities (1:00 - 3:30 p.m.)?
Expected opportunities include attend IKC press conference, listen to speakers, observe legislative meetings, visit lawmakers, or help staff IKC table. More details will be shared closer to the date.

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* 12. Are you willing to talk with a lawmaker about why immunizations are important for protecting Kansans?
We will provide talking points and help divide participants into small groups.

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* 13. We need help!  Are you willing to assist with planning and/or staffing efforts? (check all that apply) If so, we'll be in touch with more details.

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* 14. If not already, would you like to engage with IKC in one or more of the following ways?

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* 15. Other comments or questions: