PSL Gender Inclusion Rules Feedback
How do you feel about our updated Gender Inclusion Policy?
I really like it and am glad to see PUMP continue to progress
I am confused by it (please explain why below)
I don't like it (please explain why below)
I don't have any strong feelings either way about it
I don't think the PSL is doing enough (please explain why below)
Other (please specify)
Please elaborate on your answer above:
Ideally, I would like to see the PSL:
Continue to have gender minimums to ensure that all kinds of people are playing
Remove any gender requirements and host only open-gender leagues
Change the gender minimum to allow for more gender minorities to play (i.e. higher gender minimums)
Stop making changes to the gender rules
Other (please specify)
Some PSL sports currently have rules to ensure the inclusion of women (examples below). We are actively reviewing the best way to continue to promote inclusion for everyone within our rules. Please select as many of the choices that best reflect your thoughts at this time.
Current Rule Examples:
- In softball and kickball no more than two men can bat/kick in a row.
- In flag football a woman must touch the ball at least every 4 downs.
- In flag football a woman can run at any time, whereas a man can only run at certain times.
I like these rules
I dislike these rules
I think all inclusion rules should remain for women only
I think all inclusion rules should apply to all gender minorities
I think it should be a rule-by-rule basis to ensure the best inclusion for everyone
I am unsure how I feel
Other (please specify)
Your gender is:
Would you be interested in participating in a focus group to discuss gender in PSL play in more detail? (If yes, please include your email below)
Other (please specify)
Please provide your email if you wish to be contacted:
Current Progress,
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