The James C. Hall Jr. Exemplary Program Awards
Programming: Exemplary Non-Credit Program Development

The James C. Hall Jr. Exemplary Program Awards aim to acknowledge exceptional programming and marketing activities that make a valuable contribution to the field of adult and continuing education. These awards embody three key qualities of excellence: innovation, which encompasses new ideas, topics, and improved combinations of existing or traditional concepts applied to the field of adult or continuing education; quality and effectiveness, which assesses how well a program, activity or service has achieved its objectives; and contribution to adult or continuing education, which considers the extent to which a program or process can be replicated by other institutions and makes a lasting contribution to adult or continuing education.

1. Nominations must be made by a current member of CEANY in good standing.
2. Nomination must be for a current member of CEANY in good standing, self nominations are acceptable.
3. Nomination must be from within the last year of annual conference.

Applications Due: September 13th

Question Title

* 1. Non Credit Program Development Title

Question Title

* 2. Please Include  Attachments that Describe or Visualize  this Nomination

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 3. Please Check Appropriate Affiliation

Question Title

* 4. Nominee/Contact Name

Question Title

* 5. Nominee Title

Question Title

* 6. Nominee's Institution

Question Title

* 7. Nominee's Telephone Number

Question Title

* 8. Nominee's Mailing Address

Question Title

* 9. Nominee's Email Address

Question Title

* 10. Nominator's Name

Question Title

* 11. Nominator's Postition

Question Title

* 12. Nominator's Institution

Question Title

* 13. Nominator's Telephone Number

Question Title

* 14. Nominator's Mailing Address

Question Title

* 15. Nominator's Email Address

Question Title

* 16. Name of Program

Question Title

* 17. Basic Program Description

Question Title

* 18. Semester Developed

Question Title

* 19. Program Dates or Semester(s)

Question Title

* 20. Type of Program (Training, Enrichment, Youth, Seniors, etc.)

Question Title

* 21. Rationale for Application (Level of Success, Uniqueness, Innovation, Creativity, Popularity, Revenue-Producer, Etc.)

Question Title

* 22. Target Market/Audience

Question Title

* 23. Number of Participants

Question Title

* 24. Fees

Question Title

* 25. Funding Sources

Question Title

* 26. Background/History

Question Title

* 27. Program Details

Question Title

* 28. Contribution to Continuing Education

Question Title

* 29. Partners (If Applicable)

Question Title

* 30. Additional Comments