Model Engineer & Workshop survey

Model Engineer & Workshop Survey

As you know Model Engineer and Model Engineers’ Workshop are combining into one title, Model Engineer & Workshop. The new, larger magazine will aim to present the best of both the prior titles, and we are aware that many readers of either or both titles have strong views about what they want to see in their favourite magazine.
As the editors of ME&W, we are particularly interested in what you think of various different topics and types of article. By filling in this survey you will help us to make sure the new magazine meets your expectations and continues to educate, inform and entertain readers long into the future.
As a huge thank you for your feedback, we're giving one of you a full year's subscription to Model Engineer & Workshop! Don't worry if you already subscribe, we will simply add 12 months onto your current subscription! T&Cs apply. Competition closes 13/4/25.
Neil Wyatt, Editor
Diane Carney, Deputy Editor
1.Which of the following magazines do you read, and how often do you subscribe?
Buy Regularly
Buy Occasionally
Used to Subscribe
Used to Buy
Model Engineer
Model Engineer & Workshop
Model Boats
The Railway Magazine
2.Do you use any of the following Model Engineering forums on the internet?
3.Are you a member of any of these types of societies/clubs?
4.Here are a list of some of the articles that have featured in Model Engineer recently, please could you rate them from 1-5 according to how interesting (engaging/entertaining/informative) you found them.
I didn’t see this article/series
I saw it but didn’t read it
I read it, but didn’t find it interesting
Moderately interesting
Good article
Very good article
Regular feature: Smoke Rings
Regular feature: Postbag
Regular feature: Club News
Regular feature: Readers Classifieds
Ongoing/Occasional Series: Flying Scotsman in 5” Gauge
Ongoing/Occasional Series: The Stationary Steam Engine
Ongoing/Occasional Series: A BR Standard Class 4 Tender Engine
Ongoing/Occasional Series: Butterside Down
Ongoing/Occasional Series: A GWR Pannier Tank in 3 ½” Gauge
Ongoing/Occasional Series: An Engineer’s Day Out
Ongoing/Occasional Series: A Tandem compound mill engine
Shorter series/single articles: Youth is not entirely wasted on the young
Shorter series/single articles: Working on the lathe
Shorter series/single articles: Unseizing a beam engine
Shorter series/single articles: Space toys
Shorter series/single articles: A radial marine steam engine
Shorter series/single articles: Midlands Model Engineering Exhibition report
Shorter series/single articles: IMLEC/LITTLEC/Narrow Gauge LEC announcements
Shorter series/single articles: LOWMEX report
Shorter series/single articles: Book review
Shorter series/single articles: A Short Ghost Story
5.Here is a list of some of the articles that have featured in Model Engineers Workshop recently, please could you rate them according to how interesting (engaging/entertaining/informative) you found them.
I didn't see this article/series
I saw it but didn’t read it
I read it, but didn’t find it interesting
Moderately interesting
Good article
Very good article
Regular Feature: On the Editor’s Bench
Regular Feature: Reader’s Tips
Regular Feature: On The Wire
Regular Feature: Scribe a Line
Regular Feature: Readers’ Classifieds
Ongoing/Occasional series: Beginner’s Workshop
Ongoing/Occasional series: From the Archives
Ongoing/Occasional series: Tales from the Workshop
Short Series/Single articles: Combination Door Bolt
Short Series/Single articles: Funding Model Engineering
Short Series/Single articles: Midlands Model Engineering Exhibition Report
Short Series/Single articles: Lathe Speed Measurement
Short Series/Single articles: Using Spring Washers to Ease Gib Adjustment
Short Series/Single articles: Milling Machine Universal Wrench
Short Series/Single articles: A Rotary File Rack
Short Series/Single articles: Workshop Wheels and Walls
Short Series/Single articles: Unlocking a Secret
Short Series/Single articles: A New Small Chainsaw Vice
Short Series/Single articles: A retracting Topslide for the Emco Compact 5
Short Series/Single articles: First Steps in CNC
Short Series/Single articles: Cleaning a Surface Plate
Short Series/Single articles: Sharpening a Boring Tool
Short Series/Single articles: A Guide Block Challenge
Short Series/Single articles: Reversing Time
Short Series/Single articles: An Eccentric Turning Chuck
6.Please rate the following topics according to how interesting you find them:
1 - Not interesting
5 - Extremely interesting
Live steam railway models
Electric railway models
Stationary steam engines
Other working model engines
Ornamental turning
Horology (clocks and watches)
Historic machinery
Historic engineering
Building items from kits
Building items from scratch
Machinery reviews
Using hand tools and techniques
Using machine tools and techniques
3D printing
Laser cutting
CAD design
CNC machining
Making hand tools and gadgets
Making machine tools
Modifying or upgrading tools
Running a workshop
Stories about experiences in the hobby
Wider anecdotes and stories with an engineering flavour
Other workshop skills (e.g. brazing, finishing, welding, anodising)
Problem solving and repairs
Theoretical/mathematical articles
Activities and events
Places to visit
Full size engineering
7.What lengths of article are you most interested in:
8.Would you prefer a longer series to be presented as:
9.For a longer series in a monthly magazine (say a complex build series) would you prefer it to appear:
10.For stand-alone articles linked in an occasional series, how often do you think they should appear?
11.Are there any views on the past and current content of ME or MEW that you would like to share?
12.Are there any topics you would particularly like to see covered in future issues of Model Engineer & Workshop?
13.Please let us know the best email address to contact you on if you win a year's subscription to Model Engineer & Workshop. Prize draw closes 13/4/25.
Thank you for your time filling in this survey. We will not be able to respond directly to individual responses. If you have a specific question or idea for content, please email the editor at For questions about your subscription etc. please contact