Model Engineer & Workshop Survey
As you know Model Engineer and Model Engineers’ Workshop are combining into one title, Model Engineer & Workshop. The new, larger magazine will aim to present the best of both the prior titles, and we are aware that many readers of either or both titles have strong views about what they want to see in their favourite magazine.
As the editors of ME&W, we are particularly interested in what you think of various different topics and types of article. By filling in this survey you will help us to make sure the new magazine meets your expectations and continues to educate, inform and entertain readers long into the future.
As a huge thank you for your feedback, we're giving one of you a full year's subscription to Model Engineer & Workshop! Don't worry if you already subscribe, we will simply add 12 months onto your current subscription! T&Cs apply. Competition closes 13/4/25.
Neil Wyatt, Editor
Diane Carney, Deputy Editor