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* 1. In your experience, what are the greatest strengths in Elizabeth Township?

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* 2. What are the opportunities that exist in Elizabeth Township?

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* 3. Are there things that you see as threats to Elizabeth Township?

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* 4. When considering the priorities for Elizabeth Township in the next 10 years, how do rate the following list?

  Very Low Priority Low Priority Medium Priority High Priority Very High Priority
Character of residential neighborhoods
Range of housing options
Housing options for seniors
Opportunities for new housing development
Mix and availability of shopping options
Access to everyday goods and services
Opportunities for new commercial development
Employment and job opportunities
Encouraging industrial development
Maintaining existing community facilities (e.g., schools, libraries, health clinics, resource centers)
Expanding community facilities
Providing public safety (e.g., police, fire, medical response)
Maintaining existing infrastructure system (e.g., sewer, water, electricity, internet, stormwater)
Expanding infrastructure system
Maintaining roadways
Improving sidewalk and pedestrian networks
Improving bike network
Maintaining existing parks and open spaces
Expanding parks and open spaces system
Recreation facilities and program options
Preserving tree canopy
Preserving agricultural areas
Community events and festivals
Community gateways and branding
Public engagement and participation

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* 5. What else would you like to share with us about Elizabeth Township?