The neighborhood has dirty streets
The neighborhood has dirty streets 1 = Strongly Agree
The neighborhood has dirty streets 2 = Agree
The neighborhood has dirty streets 3 = No Opinion
The neighborhood has dirty streets 4 = Disagree
The neighborhood has dirty streets 5 = Strongly DIsagree
The neighborhood has dirty sidewalks
The neighborhood has dirty sidewalks 1 = Strongly Agree
The neighborhood has dirty sidewalks 2 = Agree
The neighborhood has dirty sidewalks 3 = No Opinion
The neighborhood has dirty sidewalks 4 = Disagree
The neighborhood has dirty sidewalks 5 = Strongly DIsagree
Pedestrians feel unsafe during the day
Pedestrians feel unsafe during the day 1 = Strongly Agree
Pedestrians feel unsafe during the day 2 = Agree
Pedestrians feel unsafe during the day 3 = No Opinion
Pedestrians feel unsafe during the day 4 = Disagree
Pedestrians feel unsafe during the day 5 = Strongly DIsagree
Pedestrians feel unsafe at night
Pedestrians feel unsafe at night 1 = Strongly Agree
Pedestrians feel unsafe at night 2 = Agree
Pedestrians feel unsafe at night 3 = No Opinion
Pedestrians feel unsafe at night 4 = Disagree
Pedestrians feel unsafe at night 5 = Strongly DIsagree
Pedestrians and visitors are frequently lost
Pedestrians and visitors are frequently lost 1 = Strongly Agree
Pedestrians and visitors are frequently lost 2 = Agree
Pedestrians and visitors are frequently lost 3 = No Opinion
Pedestrians and visitors are frequently lost 4 = Disagree
Pedestrians and visitors are frequently lost 5 = Strongly DIsagree
The neighborhood lacks a clear identity
The neighborhood lacks a clear identity 1 = Strongly Agree
The neighborhood lacks a clear identity 2 = Agree
The neighborhood lacks a clear identity 3 = No Opinion
The neighborhood lacks a clear identity 4 = Disagree
The neighborhood lacks a clear identity 5 = Strongly DIsagree
Streets and Sidewalks are in need of repair
Streets and Sidewalks are in need of repair 1 = Strongly Agree
Streets and Sidewalks are in need of repair 2 = Agree
Streets and Sidewalks are in need of repair 3 = No Opinion
Streets and Sidewalks are in need of repair 4 = Disagree
Streets and Sidewalks are in need of repair 5 = Strongly DIsagree
Building facades are in need of repair
Building facades are in need of repair 1 = Strongly Agree
Building facades are in need of repair 2 = Agree
Building facades are in need of repair 3 = No Opinion
Building facades are in need of repair 4 = Disagree
Building facades are in need of repair 5 = Strongly DIsagree
Outdoor lighting is in need of repair
Outdoor lighting is in need of repair 1 = Strongly Agree
Outdoor lighting is in need of repair 2 = Agree
Outdoor lighting is in need of repair 3 = No Opinion
Outdoor lighting is in need of repair 4 = Disagree
Outdoor lighting is in need of repair 5 = Strongly DIsagree
Merchants Would Benefit from Collective Marketing
Merchants Would Benefit from Collective Marketing 1 = Strongly Agree
Merchants Would Benefit from Collective Marketing 2 = Agree
Merchants Would Benefit from Collective Marketing 3 = No Opinion
Merchants Would Benefit from Collective Marketing 4 = Disagree
Merchants Would Benefit from Collective Marketing 5 = Strongly DIsagree
The neighborhood has many retail vacancies
The neighborhood has many retail vacancies 1 = Strongly Agree
The neighborhood has many retail vacancies 2 = Agree
The neighborhood has many retail vacancies 3 = No Opinion
The neighborhood has many retail vacancies 4 = Disagree
The neighborhood has many retail vacancies 5 = Strongly DIsagree
I can find what I need among local stores
I can find what I need among local stores 1 = Strongly Agree
I can find what I need among local stores 2 = Agree
I can find what I need among local stores 3 = No Opinion
I can find what I need among local stores 4 = Disagree
I can find what I need among local stores 5 = Strongly DIsagree
Certain kinds of stores are missing in the neighborhood
Certain kinds of stores are missing in the neighborhood 1 = Strongly Agree
Certain kinds of stores are missing in the neighborhood 2 = Agree
Certain kinds of stores are missing in the neighborhood 3 = No Opinion
Certain kinds of stores are missing in the neighborhood 4 = Disagree
Certain kinds of stores are missing in the neighborhood 5 = Strongly DIsagree
The quality of retailers is excellent
The quality of retailers is excellent 1 = Strongly Agree
The quality of retailers is excellent 2 = Agree
The quality of retailers is excellent 3 = No Opinion
The quality of retailers is excellent 4 = Disagree
The quality of retailers is excellent 5 = Strongly DIsagree