Houston ISD Superintendent Profile Development Anonymous Community Input Forum Thank you for providing your candid input as we seek the next Superintendent of Schools for the Houston ISD. Your voice as a community member is important to HISD. OK Question Title * 1. Rate each of the following in order of importance from 1 to 5: where 1 = low importance and 5 = high importance. Strong Communicator Community Advocate An Educator (Teacher, Principal and/or Administrative Leader) Approachable and Visible Ability to Make and Defend Difficult Decisions OK Question Title * 2. Please list the top three accomplishments of the Houston Independent School District. Accomplishment #1 Accomplishment #2 Accomplishment #3 OK Question Title * 3. Please list the top three challenges that the next Superintendent must prioritize. Challenge #1 Challenge #2 Challenge #3 OK Question Title * 4. My perspective on Houston ISD comes from being a (check all that apply). Current Parent/Legal Guardian HISD Staff/Faculty/Administration Current Student Former Parent/Guardian Former Student Community Member (no children ever in HISD Schools) Other (specify) Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 5. Is there anything else you wish to add as the HISD School Board seeks your input with regard to the Superintendent profile? OK DONE