
WorkplaceNL’s Safety Leadership Award: Employer Award recognizes organizations that support injury prevention through leadership, implementing strong health and safety programs and safety culture in their workplace.
Applicants for the program will be evaluated on the following criteria:
  • Vision: Maintains and shares a safety vision that cascades to all employees.
  • Leading by Example: Open to and acts on concerns from within the organization in matters of health and safety.
  • Cooperation: Collaborates with employees to foster and sustain a positive and safe working environment, free from potential hazards.
  • Appreciation: Recognizes employees who go above and beyond in keeping themselves and their co-workers safe.
  • Action: Tracks and responds to lagging indicators and near-miss events to prevent future workplace incidents

Why Apply?

Winners may showcase your award in your promotional and recruitment campaigns.
Show your workers you appreciate their input and commitment to health and safety in your workplace.
Improve your bottom line through preventing workplace injury.
Evaluate where you have been, where you are today and the role health and safety will play in the future of your organization.


  1. Any business or organization with a current WorkplaceNL firm number in good standing is eligible to apply.
  2. Businesses or organizations not eligible to apply include those who:
    • Have had a workplace fatality claim in the last five years.
    • Have been convicted of an offence under the Occupational Health and Safety and/or Criminal Code of Canada within the last five years or who may be currently undergoing prosecution before the courts under the Occupational Health and Safety Act or Regulations.
    • Are PRIME eligible, who do not currently participate in WorkplaceNL’s PRIME program and have not received a PRIME practice incentive refund for the last three consecutive years.
  3. WorkplaceNL employees are not eligible to apply or nominate.
  4. Previous winners are not eligible to apply for a period of five years.

Application Deadline: August 30, 2024

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Applicant Information
Provide information about the business/organization.

Question Title

* Name of Business/Organization:

Question Title

* Industry:

Question Title

* WorkplaceNL Firm Number:

Question Title

* Workplace Address:

Question Title

* City:

Question Title

* Province:

Question Title

* Postal Code:

Question Title

* Contact Person:

Question Title

* Title:

Question Title

* Phone Number:

Question Title

* Email Address:

Question Title

* Name as it would be inscribed on the award:

Please complete the following questions. Responses should be less than 300 words per question, though detail is encouraged.
Responses will be scored individually from 0-5.
0 - Nomination does not meet legislation/standards/expectations
1 - Nomination significantly below legislation/standards/expectations
2 - Nomination below legislation/standards/expectations
3 - Nomination achieves legislation/standards/expectations
4 - Nomination exceeds legislation/standards/expectations
5 - Nomination significantly exceeds legislation/standards/expectations

Question Title

* Describe your organization's safety vision.

Question Title

* How does your organization promote and achieve your vision?

Question Title

* Describe your organization's safety culture.

Question Title

* How does your organization overcome health and safety challenges/barriers?

Question Title

* Describe how your organization responds to health and safety concerns raised in the workplace.

Question Title

* How does your organization both promote and recognize employee engagement in health and safety?

Question Title

* How do you measure health and safety performance? Then, what actions do you take?

Question Title

* Provide an example of actions taken to prevent the reoccurrence of workplace incidents.


Question Title

* How did you hear about the WorkplaceNL Safety Leadership Award?