Please complete the following survey by Tuesday, September 17 to help determine union priorities for the upcoming school year.

SAVE THE DATE: Survey results will be reviewed and priorities set at an all-member meeting on Tuesday, September 24. Use this link to RSVP.
Your Information

Question Title

* 1. Your name
*Survey data is only for internal TAAAC leadership. No identifiable information will be shared externally.

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* 2. Your worksite(s)
Please write out the full name of your work locations

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* 4. How long have you been an educator in AACPS?

Your Priorities

Question Title

* 5. What is your biggest concern as an employee of AACPS?

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* 6. What are the unique aspects of your particular job that you think should be addressed more specifically in the contract?

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* 7. Please select the article(s) of our contract that impacts your working conditions most directly and should be improved. Review the language here.

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* 8. What part of the contract do you NOT want to change?

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* 9. Please rank your top priorities for our FY26 contract

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* 10. Is there a part of that contract you feel is often violated in your school that needs to be enforced? If so, please describe here

Other questions

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* 11. How respected do you feel as an educator in Anne Arundel County?

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* 12. We're interested in learning about what our members are involved in outside of school and union work! Please share any organizations or community groups (including religious organizations) you are involved in.

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* 13. How do you prefer to receive updates from TAAAC?

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* 14. Which social media platforms do you most often use for updates an information?

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* 15. If you want to get more involved with your union, check the boxes below that interest you most! (Check all that apply)

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* 16. Please add any additional comments here.

Contact Information

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* 17. Your personal email address - non-AACPS email

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* 18. Your personal cellphone number