Question Title

* 1. Your Information

Please answer the following questions

Question Title

* 2. Why are you interested in becoming a Trainer for MAVA's Volunteer Impact Leadership Training Series?

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* 3. Let us know about your previous experience and skill level as a speaker and/or trainer. You may also include a link to a recording of a training or presentation you have facilitated.

Question Title

* 4. Describe your experience in leading volunteers (where, how long, etc.).

Question Title

* 5. Please upload your resume.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 6. What is your comfort level with:

  Not comfortable Very comfortable
Public Speaking 
Training a group virtually
Training a group in-person
Facilitating conversations
Creating and using Mentimeter presentations
Using Powerpoint
Creating interactive experiences and activities

Question Title

* 7. Beyond mentimenter (mentioned above) please share any other ideas/tools you have for increasing interactivity among VILT participants

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* 8. Which of the 8 VILT module topics seem most relevant to your experience? (Select all that apply)

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* 9. Are you willing to participate in a train-the-trainer session?

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* 10. Are you willing to participate in periodic trainer coaching sessions?

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* 11. Are you able to commit to leading a minimum of four presentations over the next year?

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* 12. Most of the VILT training we offer is via Zoom, but we are starting to bring back in-person VILTS. Are you potentially willing to travel to destinations in Greater Minnesota to provide in-person training? (MAVA pays federal mileage rate)

Please provide two professional references who can speak to your professional and/or training experience. A reference request will be sent to the email provided. Please tell your references to expect this email.

Question Title

* 13. Reference 1

Question Title

* 14. Reference 2