Town of North Wilkesboro Parks and Recreation Survey

1.How often do you visit a park in North Wilkesboro?
2.Which park facilities do you visit in North Wilkesboro? Check all that apply.
3.Which park facility do you visit most often?
4.Overall, how satisfied are you with the parks and recreation facilities available in North Wilkesboro?
5.Which THREE of the facilities listed do you and/or members of your household use the most?
6.For each of the following types of recreation facilities, check the top five facilities you would like to see in our parks.
7.How important are the Town of North Wilkesboro's parks and recreation facilities to your family's recreational needs?
8.Do you live in the Town of North Wilkesboro? (zip code 28659)
9.How do you access park facilities in North Wilkesboro?
10.On a scale of 1 to 5, how safe do you feel while using North Wilkesboro park facilities? (1 = very unsafe; 5 = very safe
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered