Please share your views

The RSGB VHF Contest Committee are considering the rules for next year's VHF / UHF / SHF contests. We would like to receive your feedback on some ideas we have in mind, as well as to receive your broader feedback.

Question Title

* 1. QSO numbers in the VHF NFD are well down from their peak, largely due to decreased casual SSB activity on the VHF bands in the UK and nearer parts of Europe. To keep the contest as interesting as possible, increasing the total base of stations available to work is really important. Given the overall trend for Field Days in the UK and the demographics of the contesting population, we think the scope to vastly increase the number of portable stations is limited. But we do think there is scope to grow the fixed station section, and are considering changing the current sweepers section with a scoring system focussed on working UK portables, to a more standard fixed station contest running alongside VHF NFD. We hope this will increase overall fixed station activity for the portables to work, without diluting portable activity.

Should we