Courtesy of the 'Asia Leaders Learning Community' (ALLC)

The ALLC exists to see flourishing and multiplying communities of leaders who are expanding the Kingdom of God in Asia and beyond.

This survey is intended to help identify the areas in which you (our organization's current and emerging leaders) are most interested in developing as a leader. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will be used to help develop and promote leadership development initiatives that will most contribute to your ongoing ministry success.

All of your answers are anonymous and thus completely confidential.

Question Title

* 1. Considering the leadership challenges you faced in the past year and the challenges you face today, please check any skills from the list below that are your GREATEST NEEDS to personally develop as a leader. You may select as many or as few as you like.

  My Greatest Needs
Boss relationships
Building effective teams
Communication Planning
Conflict management
Cross-cultural flexibility
Cross-cultural sensitivity
Decision making
Defining roles
Demonstrating integrity and building trust
Developing community
Developing others
Developing vision and purpose
Ethics and values-based leadership
Financial management
Having a biblical worldview
Hearing God’s voice
Leading change
Leading with courage
Managing diversity
Ministry fund raising
Motivating and mobilizing others
Organizing and planning work
Peer relationships
Perspective (widening yours)
Practicing spiritual disciplines
Presentation skills
Problem solving
Process management (developing and using processes)
Providing pastoral care
Recruiting staff
Self development/learning
Servant mindset
Setting goals and measuring results
Setting priorities
Spiritually led
Strategic thinking
Team leadership (working as a leadership team)
Technical or functional knowledge (specific to your ministry)
Time management
Understanding others
Understanding yourself (passion, purpose, priorities, personality, gifts, etc)
Work/life balance
Written communications