General Information

Thank you for your ISHLT Strategic Investment Fund proposal. Please answer all survey questions as completely and succinctly as possible.

Proposals should recommend or expand an ISHLT program, service, or initiative that benefits the ISHLT community and aligns with ISHLT’s strategic goals. Please do NOT submit a proposal for research grants, endorsement requests, standards and guidelines documents or consensus conferences, as these opportunities have independent processes within the Society.

If you have questions or need assistance, email ISHLT COO, Aaron Adair, at or call +1-312-224-1261.

Proposal submission closes 30 April.

Question Title

* Your Name

Question Title

* Your Organization or Company

Question Title

* If this project is being proposed in collaboration with an ISHLT committee, task force or other volunteer body, indicate which:

Question Title

* If this project being proposed in collaboration with any other organization, institution or company, indicate which: