Cuyahoga Falls River in the City

The City of Cuyahoga Falls has received an Our Town grant from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) to support River in the City. The grant will fund projects by artists Stacy Levy and Peter Jones, who will create public art installations and engagement activities along Front Street and the Cuyahoga River that explore the ecology and indigenous history of the river.

The artists are interested in learning more about your relationship to the river as well as your interest in participating in public art projects. 

For the purposes of this survey, "public art" means an artwork created especially for a place that is accessible to the public. These artworks can come in many forms – murals, sculpture, and light are just a few – and are created by professional artists.

It should take you less than five minutes to complete this survey, and your responses will be anonymous.

Deadline for your response is January 7, 2022 at 11:59pm EST.

Thank you for taking a few minutes to answer this survey. Your responses will greatly help the artists develop artworks and experiences that are meaningful to the city of Cuyahoga Falls. For more information on the Our Town grant and River in the City, please visit

City of Cuyahoga Falls River in the City

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* 1. Where do you go to engage with the river or touch the river?

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* 2. Do you participate in activities or sports in the river?

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* 3. What kinds of feelings does the sound of the river evoke?

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* 4. Do you enjoy having a group art event or a way to discover the art on your own?

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* 5. Do you like to participate in making art installations as a group?

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* 6. If the art is temporary— how do you think you would remember it best: through photos, mementos, a catalogue or flyer?

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* 7. What is your zip code?