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* 1. This survey is being conducted by Adler Weiner Research in order to determine your eligibility for a focus group or interview about which you have been contacted. At no point are your individual answers ever sold or shared with our clients (aggregate data or anonymized summaries of the overall survey information may possibly be shared with our clients, however). This survey serves solely as a means for screening. Once the project has been completed this data will be deleted.  For more information please see:
Right to Opt-Out Info
Financial Incentive Info
Adler Weiner Privacy Policy

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* 2. CONTACT INFO Please provide the following:

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* 3. This study is taking place Friday, May 31st – Sunday, June 16th 2024.
Will your child likely be available for a 3-hour interview at this time that will take place in-home or at a designated location?

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* 4. When, if ever, was the last time you participated in a group discussion or personal interview for market research purposes?

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* 5. What was the topic of the market research study (If none put N/A)?

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* 6. Are you currently scheduled to participate in any market research studies, if so what is the topic?

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* 7. What is your age?

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* 8. Gender:

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* 9. How would you describe your ethnic or cultural background?

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* 10. What is your zip code where you reside?

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* 11. Approximately how long does it take you to drive to Dodger Stadium?

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* 12. Who else lives with you in your home?