
By filling in this survey you will help build a picture of what Whanganui people are experiencing and would like to see around the sale and supply of alcohol in our district. This will help inform the review of our Local Alcohol Policy which is required to be reviewed by 2025.

For some, talking about alcohol can be difficult. The questions in this survey don't go into great detail but do cover personal habits and experiences with alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm. If at any point you find the questions difficult to answer or talk about, please take a break.

If you are concerned about your drinking, please contact the Alcohol Drug Helpline on 0800 787 797, free text 8681, or go to their website at

The survey is anonymous. No personal or identifying information is requested to complete this survey, and the results will be provided as a group without any identifying information.

The questions below establish your connection to Whanganui. We welcome input from residents, visitors, and others, but it is important to be able to distinguish between the experiences of those who live here and those who visit.

Question Title

* 1. What is your connection to Whanganui?