Question Title

* 1. Is it ok to friend a mentee on Facebook?(Pg.11)

Question Title

* 2. True or false: Self-care is simply about limiting professional stressors?(Pg.16)

Question Title

* 3. True or false, you are paired with a student to directly counsel them on their issues?(Pg.44)

Question Title

* 4. True or false: A mentor can only guide a young person on what to do if it is around safety, medical or child protection issues?(Pg.59)

Question Title

* 5. True or false: In a matter of child protection, the mentor is obligated to be transparent with the young person and let them know that they are required to notify the school and YM Program Officer(Pg.59)

Question Title

* 6. True or false: To understand another culture it is important to know your own culture first? (Pg.135)

Question Title

* 7. True or false: How you dress for Mentoring sessions isn’t an important part of the process? (Pg.12)

Question Title

* 8. Inappropriate contact with mentees could include(Pg.12):

Question Title

* 9. If a student initiates a hug, you should(Pg.12):

Question Title

* 10. True or false: All mentors must comply with security and Workplace health safety guidelines of the schools they are visiting?(Pg.45)

Question Title

* 11. .True or false: It is ok to miss a couple of sessions without notifying the school and YMP officer

Question Title

* 12. True or false: Ice breakers are a great way to begin sessions in the early stages of mentoring a session?(Pg.51).

Question Title

* 13. True or false: Listening can be your greatest tool for developing a relationship with your mentee?(Pg.57)

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* 14. True or false: Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify your own emotions as well as the mentee’s during sessions?(Pg.78)

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* 15. True or false: When dealing with extreme anger, the aim Is to manage the emotion to avert the immediate crises? (Pg.103)

Question Title

* 16. True or false: As a mentor, sometimes the relationship with your mentee may not go as planned? (Pg.164)