2021 Legislative Session Survey

The 2021 Legislative Session is underway in Albany, and the Governor has announced his 2021 State of the State Agenda. We would like to hear from you, our members, about some of these new proposals and pieces of legislation.

The deadline to complete this survey is January 26th. Your responses will remain confidential.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 315-729-4011 or at tiffanylatinog@macny.org. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey and share your valuable feedback with us.
1.Paid Sick Leave Program – Last year New York’s paid sick leave program took effect requiring employers with five or more employees or a net income of more than $1 million to provide paid sick leave to their employees, and for employers with fewer than five employees to provide unpaid sick leave. The law was included in the State Budget, and this January employees could use accrued leave.

Do you support or oppose this law?
2.PPE Exemption - A bill reintroduced in the State Legislature this year would exempt certain personal protective clothing and equipment from the tax on sales and the compensating use tax. For more information on the bill, please click here.

Do you support or oppose this proposal?
3.Medical Supplies Act – Governor Cuomo is proposing the Medical Supplies Act to incentivize more New York companies to retool to produce personal protective equipment (PPE) or other medical supplies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This bill would require that for the purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical supplies in all State contracts over $50,000 the PPE and medical supplies be produced or made in the United States. Would this Act impact your company?
4.Legalization of Adult Cannabis – Governor Cuomo has announced a proposal to legalize and create a comprehensive system to oversee and regulate cannabis in New York. A new Office of Cannabis Management would be created to do so.

Do you support or oppose this plan?
5.Legislative Priorities or Concerns - Are there other state bills or proposals that you would like to comment on at this time? 
6.First Name:
7.Last Name:
8.Email address:
For more information on the Governor’s State of the State and the above-mentioned proposals, please click here.