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Rebuilding Together Baltimore is starting a new program called the "Rebuild Guild". It is a way for individual skilled volunteers to get involved on a more regular basis. Initially, members of the Rebuild Guild will work with an RTB Staff member to complete the following repairs in homes: installing grab bars, bathroom safety equipment, handrails, and fire safety equipment. We may expand repair offerings in the future. In this survey, we would like to gauge your interest, availability, and experience with these repairs.

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* 1. Rebuilding Together Baltimore prioritizes the health and safety of homeowners, contractors, volunteers, and staff.  With the spread of the coronavirus or “COVID-19,” we all must remain vigilant in mitigating the outbreak and protecting one another. To protect everyone involved, we have instituted a vaccination and masking policy, requiring all staff and volunteers to be vaccinated and to wear N95 or KN95 masks in homes. Please choose which applies to you.

If you are not vaccinated, you cannot volunteer with us at this time. We may be able to engage you as a volunteer in the future once we deem it's safe to do so. If you are still interested in volunteering with the Rebuild Guild in the future, please complete the rest of this survey.

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* 2. How did you hear about the Rebuild Guild?

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* 3. First Name

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* 4. Last Name

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* 5. Preferred Pronouns

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* 6. Address

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* 7. Phone Number

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* 8. Email