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2022 CSA Survey
How long have you been a CSA member?
This is my first season
2-5 years
More than 5 years
This year we delayed the start of the CSA season until mid-August as a response to increasingly erratic spring weather and family needs. It proved be a good decision with a very wet May, flooding in June, and getting COVID in July. We propose starting the CSA early August in 2023. How does this work for you?
Our household would prefer an earlier seasonal start for the boxes.
The August start works just fine for us.
Please tell us more...
Would you be interested in boxes once a month April through July?
Are the benefits of the Harvie platform (change dates, customize items, pay by card) worth the hassles?
Harvie is the bane of my CSA experience
The features of the platform make the boxes much more useful.
I would prefer to pay by check and get a mix of whatever the farm offered.
The current box value is $25. Our labor and supply costs are rising. On average this translates to one fewer food items in a box than in the past. Given inflation, what is the ideal base box price for your household?
Other (please specify):
Are there items we did not offer that you would like to see added next season?
What were your favorite foods of the year?
Did you have issues of poor quality with any specific crops?
We are looking for a new pickup location north of Whitman campus. If you have a suggestion, please share details with us.
Do you plan to renew your CSA subscription for next season?
I will decide after reviewing the 2023 offerings.
Alas, I am moving away from Walla Walla in 2023.
Maybe. I will be more likely to renew if....
For thesis research: Why does buying local food matter to you?
For thesis research: What are the main benefits of CSA participation for you?
For thesis research: What emotions do you feel relating to the CSA program?