Exit Signs of the Times Brain Squad Survey – June 2022 (weblink) GETTING STARTEDPlease help us identify you. Question Title * 1. Let us know who you are and where you work. (Answers required for each field.) Your first and last name The name of your business City and state/province your business is located in Your position (owner, manager, etc.) Your email address BASIC QUESTIONSA few quick questions to kick things off Question Title * 2. How do your May 2022 sales compare with May 2021? Way up (20% or more) Up About the same Down Way down (20% or more) Question Title * 3. How do you expect your July 2022 sales to compare with July 2021? Way up (20% or more) Up About the same Down Way down (20% or more) EDITORIAL REACH-OUTYour answers to these questions support Buzz Session and other departments in Signs of the Times. Question Title * 4. YOU AND YOUR PHONEFor decades now, mobile phones have become so integral to daily living that it’s hard to imagine how we ever got by without them. And as with every technological advancement in society, our assimilation with smartphones has had both positive and negative impacts. So, what are your main feelings about modern mobile phone life? Question Title * 5. ONE QUICK QUESTIONHow do you communicate with customers by phone? Vast majority by text, almost no calls Mostly by text, some calls Mostly by calls, some texts Vast majority by calls, almost no texts Other (please describe) Question Title * 6. DO YOU OR DON'T YOU?Does your company have a dedicated landline phone? Yes No (If “yes,” briefly explain why; if “no,” please explain briefly why not.) Question Title * 7. MANAGER'S TO-DO LISTPlease let us know of any week-long tasks, marketing efforts or must-do’s for August to share with other sign companies. Question Title * 8. BENCHMARKSFor our August Benchmarks feature, we’re looking for images of park and nature signs that have been completed in the past 12 months. If we select your sign to be featured, our editors will follow up with you for additional information and photos.Please upload your image below. PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only. Choose File No file chosen Remove File BENCHMARKSFor our August Benchmarks feature, we’re looking for images of park and nature signs that have been completed in the past 12 months. If we select your sign to be featured, our editors will follow up with you for additional information and photos.Please upload your image below. Question Title * 9. How many customer calls/texts do you make per day on average? Fewer than 10 10-19 20-29 30 or more Question Title * 10. How many customer emails do you send/reply to per day on average? Fewer than 10 10-19 20-29 30 or more Question Title * 11. TIP SHEETGot a specific, actionable tip or hack to improve sales, design, fabrication, installation or any other aspect of the sign business? Maybe a change you’ve recently made that had an outsized impact on your company? Please share it here! ... AND WRAPPING UPFinally, your chance to sound off Question Title * 12. ASK SIGNS OF THE TIMESAsk us a sign business-related question and we will try to answer it. Or ask a question for any of our expert columnists, and we’ll see if they can help. Question Title * 13. LETTERS TO THE EDITORPlease comment on any of the articles or topics from recent issues. May featured soft signage, routed signs, sports venue signs and more. June will feature how humor can help your business, wayfinding, restored signs and more. Submit