Northern Council for Global Cooperation (NCGC) is a non-profit organization based in Whitehorse, Yukon, working across the three northern territories. NCGC takes a leadership role in engaging northerners, especially youth, around issues relating to global citizenship, global sustainability, and social justice. Through our work, NCGC offers opportunities for northerners to gain the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to become active global citizens. 

This project has been headed by northern youth across the territories who hope to amplify the voices of other youth and expand their views and understanding of global issues, especially those that matter most to them. As northern youth, this project is important to us because the North is more connected than what many people may initially think. This initiative will allow youth to think more critically and connect local and global issues, based on their collective interests. We know that events around the world have far-reaching impacts beyond their social and geographical location, and we believe that this is an important time to connect and bring northern youth together, while raising awareness and broadening their understanding of the world around them. 

Through this initiative, we hope to gain a better understanding of the interests, experiences and needs of northern youth, and develop programs and opportunities to meet these interests. This will help NCGC to paint a better picture of how global issues, such as climate change, gender equality, poverty alleviation and access to quality education are understood and valued in the north, and so that NCGC’s projects and programs reflect what matters most to the communities we seek to serve. 

This survey is administered and analyzed by a youth-led project supported by NCGC. The overall findings will be made public however your personal information will be kept confidential and individual responses will be kept anonymous. Upon completing this registration survey you will be contacted by our youth team to provide further insight through a focus group interview or through an independent arts-based activity.

Please note that we are interested in your perspective and that there are no right or wrong answers. Any quotes provided will also remain confidential. 

For more information about NCGC please visit 

The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

Question Title

* 1. Please confirm that you have agreed to participate and share your data with the Northern Council for Global Cooperation. If you do not wish to continue the survey, you can “quit and submit” or simply quit, at any time.

The following questions are related to identity (age, gender, location, etc.) and will help us to ensure our programming responds to the diverse experiences of northern youth. 

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* 2. Do you identify as a youth?

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* 3. Which gender identity do you most identify with?

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* 4. Please select any of the following options that best align with your ethnocultural background (optional).

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* 5. NCGC strives to apply an intersectional lens to ensure our programming is equitable, for this reason we are providing the option for respondents to include additional identity information (optional). You can choose from the options below, choose to specify, or choose not to respond.

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* 6. Please indicate where you live

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* 10. Please indicate your highest education achieved:

Global Issues

Question Title

* 11. Do you consider yourself a “global citizen?”

On a scale of 1 to 4 (1 = not much of an understanding; 2 = I have a basic understanding; 3 = I have a good understanding; 4 = I have a strong understanding), rate your knowledge about each of the following issues:

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* 12. Environment, conservation, and climate change

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* 13. Gender equality and women's rights

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* 14. Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) i.e access to contraceptives, family planning, sexual education

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* 15. Indigenous rights and sovereignty

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* 16. Hunger and food security

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* 17. Humanitarian aid and disaster relief

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* 18. Economic development

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* 19. Access to clean water and sanitation

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* 20. Supporting governments and civil society organizations around the world

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* 21. Agriculture and forestry

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* 22. Immigrants, refugees and newcomers

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* 23. 2SLGBTQIA+ Rights

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* 24. Access to healthcare (i.e. mental health and addictions, maternal care, public health, global health)

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* 25. Equitable and quality education

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* 26. Disability rights

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* 27. Racial justice and equity

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* 28. Poverty and socioeconomic status 

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* 29. Access to social supports

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* 32. Please select where or, from whom, you've had the opportunity to learn about global issues in general (select all that apply).

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* 33. What three global issues are most important to you? Why?

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* 34. What actions can be taken to address the three global issues you are passionate about?

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* 35. In the last six-months please select the ways that you have engaged with global issues (such as climate change, gender equality, poverty eradication and access to quality education, etc.)

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* 36. Please select the topics that you would like to learn more about. Select your top 3.

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* 37. Where do you turn to stay up-to-date on global issues ? (Select your top 3)


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* 38. In your community, how common are events with a focus on global issues (such as climate change, gender equality, poverty alleviation and access to quality education)?

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* 39. Do you have access to events in your community that focus on global issues (such as climate change, gender equality, poverty alleviation and access to quality education)?

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* 40. Would you like to see more types of events related to global issues (such as climate change, gender equality, poverty alleviation and access to quality education) take place in your community?

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* 41. Are there opportunities in your community for youth to develop leadership skills and engage with global issues (such as climate change, gender equality, poverty alleviation and access to quality education)?

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* 42. Please specify the programs and opportunities that come to mind

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* 43. How interested are you in organizing your own community event (such as a film festival, virtual panel, youth gathering) or pursuing a project / initiative related to global issues, if funding for the initiative and support was provided?

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* 44. Who do you consider to be an “influencer” for positive social change in your community?

Youth Programs

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* 45. Have you heard of the Northern Council for Global Cooperation’s opportunities for youth?

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* 46. Have you participated in any of the following youth activities or programs? Select all that apply.

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* 47. Would you be interested in attending an international conference abroad, such as the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP), Women Deliver or the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) (1 week in duration)?

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* 48. What would you hope to get out of attending an event such the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP), Women Deliver or the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII)?

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* 49. What would you hope to contribute if you were to attend?

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* 50. Are you interested in possibly participating in an international learning experience with other youth from the north and across Canada in the future? Such as a three-month internship in another country or a two-week intensive learning program in another country?

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* 51. What factors would limit your ability to participate in an international learning experience? Check all that apply:

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* 52. How likely are you to attend an online event (Facebook or Instagram live, webinar or virtual conference) related to global issues (such as climate change, gender equality, poverty alleviation and access to quality education)?

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* 53. How often would you like to attend events/would be available to attend events (in person or virtually) related to global issues (such as climate change, gender equality, poverty eradication and access to quality education)?

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* 54. How many online events (Facebook or Instagram live, webinars or virtual conferences) related to global issues (such as climate change, gender equality, poverty alleviation and access to quality education) have you attended since the pandemic began?

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* 55. How interested are you in taking a short-term online learning program about global issues (such as climate change, gender equality, poverty alleviation and access to quality education, etc). Note that you would not receive any college or university credits from taking the course).

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* 56. Which of the following topics are you most interested in learning more about / developing skills in?

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* 57. Please add your e-mail address to be entered into a draw to win one of six $100 visa gift cards. Draw winners will be announced on February 25 on social media and will be contacted via e-mail.

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* 58. If you'd like to increase your chances of winning the prize by sharing the survey on social media, please include your Instagram handle so that we can track your additional entry.

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* 59. Do you want to be added to our email list for updates about our programs and opportunities?

Don't use e-mail? You can also follow us on social media at @northerncouncil on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

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* 60. For the purpose of this survey, we ask all participants to consider registering for one of the activities below. Please indicate which of the following activities you would be most interested in:

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your input is highly valued.