Please also complete the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) form, using the same device.

Researcher job description
The Researcher will be trained to apply our ratings system to the companies behind the brands in our product guides, as well as to perform company screenings for external clients. Researchers input research into our database, write accompanying articles for our magazine and website, and produce research for external clients and for consultancy projects as and when required. This role will also include some business marketing.

Location, hours and wages
We have both office-based and remote workers, but prefer if members are able to be in the office particularly during the probationary period as it makes training and meeting the team easier.

We currently have 22 worker members on equal pay, and a similar number of contractors. We support flexible working, with hours agreed to accommodate the co-op and subgroup meetings required in the role. The full team meets every Tuesday at 11.30am. Attendance is compulsory for annual strategy days in the summer, an AGM in the autumn and a political strategy day in winter.

Co-operative Responsibilities
New staff are required to work a probationary period of nine months, before they can become permanent staff and full members. Due to the length of training and the nature of this role, we are looking for people interested in working with Ethical Consumer medium to long term.

All members share the responsibilities of running the co-operative, including taking part in the decision-making process and joining relevant subgroups to help manage eg finance, personnel or consultancy.

Specific responsibilities – Researchers:

* Help to produce research for publication in Ethical Consumer magazine and on its website.
* Contribute to screenings or consultancy work as agreed collectively. Recently, clients have included selected organisations such as Lush Cosmetics, Amnesty International, Fair Tax Mark and Which? magazine.
* This role will also require providing some assistance with business marketing work within our marketing team.

Person specification

Essential Qualities

* Commitment to the co-operative way of working, good interpersonal communication skills, and ability to contribute to a co-operative decision-making process
* Awareness of and an interest in ethical consumption, eg environment, human rights, animal welfare or politics in relation to corporations
* Ability to behave in a confident and professional manner towards colleagues, customers and partner organisations
* Demonstrable organisational skills, ability to meet deadlines, multi-task and prioritise, and work on own initiative
* Good computer literacy
* Ability to understand and analyse written information, and summarise it using clear and concise English
* Attention to detail
* Ability and willingness to learn

Desirable Qualities - experience of:
* Business Marketing, ideally using LinkedIn and writing print ads
* Supply chain auditing
* Standardised research processes
* Writing for different audiences
* Editing or proofreading
* Working on issues related to CSR
* Co-operative working
* Project development and management
* Client relationship
* Event management
* Second language (especially Spanish, French, Portuguese or Arabic)

This application form includes a writing exercise.

Question Title

* 1. I have read the 'Information about the role, organisation and application process' at

Question Title

Starting with your present or most recent work, please give a summary of employment including any freelance or relevant unpaid work, giving Dates, Employer, Post, Responsibilities and Reason for Leaving.

Question Title

Starting with the most recent please give details of your education, qualifications and other training, giving Dates, Establishment, Subjects/Course/Qualification, and Grade:

Question Title


Please use the essential and desirable listings on the person specification to help you complete this section. Use each listed essential ‘quality’ as a sub heading and write about how you have evidenced that quality - drawing on relevant experience. Then add other relevant and ‘desirable’ experience (which may have come from sources other than employment). Please use no more than 1500 words.

Question Title

Please use this section to tell us more about yourself. If you have been involved in ethical issues (e.g. environmental, human rights, animal rights issues, charity work etc.), or have an interest in any of these areas, please provide some detail below. You may include other relevant experience (which may have come from sources other than employment), the reasons you want this job, particular skills you feel you can bring and so on. Please use no more than 500 words.

Question Title

* 6. WRITING EXERCISE - Using no more than 200 words, please write a short article based on a recent news story relating to a corporation and its ethics, OR based on a current campaign relevant to Ethical Consumer. This could be about an environmental, social, financial, political or animal rights issue. Have a look at our website for inspiration:

Question Title

* 7. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PATHWAY: Do you have an initial preference for developing more in the direction of magazine work, work for external clients, or business marketing?

Question Title

* 8. NOTICE: How much notice do you need to give before you could start?

Question Title

* 9. REFEREE 1
Please provide the names, and contact details, of two people who can provide references. One should be from your current or most recent employer.

Question Title

* 10. REFEREE 2

Question Title

* 11. I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the above information is truthful and accurate. Please type your name:

Question Title

* 12. Your Details

Question Title

* 13. Where did you see the advertisement for this job? If it was on social media, please state which platform:

Question Title

* 14. I will also complete the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) form using the same device (all questions are optional)