Veterans Centre Australia Community Consultation

Veterans Centre Australia (VCA)  is an Incorporated Association, independent ex-service organisation, registered charity and Public Benevolent Institution. The VCA is governed by an independent cross-sector Board and services delivered by a team of qualified paid and volunteer staff.

VCA is positioned as an independent point of contact for current and former military personnel and their families seeking assistance.

The VCA is conducting a Veterans’ Community Survey to identify and develop ongoing programs and services to better meet the needs of the veteran community.

Your privacy is important to us. The collection of information in this survey is governed by the Veterans Centre Australia Privacy Policy. As such, all participants in this survey will be de-identified and we will not share identified personal information. A copy of the policy can be viewed on the VCA website.

We would very much appreciate 10 minutes of your time to complete the survey to help us understand your needs and circumstances at this point in time.

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* 1. Enter your current postcode

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* 2. If transitioning, please enter the postcode you will be moving to. If you are staying in the same location enter N/A

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* 3. What is your age?

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* 4. What is your gender

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* 5. Check the service you are from.

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* 6. Select the option that best describes you

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* 7. How many years have you been serving/ how long did you serve in the ADF?

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* 8. What is/ was your reason for leaving the ADF?

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* 9. How would you describe your relationship?

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* 10. Do you have dependent children?

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* 11. If yes, how many children do you have?

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* 12. If you completed the previous question, please indicate the age category of your child/ children? Tick all that apply

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* 13. What is your current housing situation?

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* 14. What is your highest level of education?

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* 15. Do you know who your ADF Transition coach is?

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* 16. If yes, what was your experience with them?

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* 17. If transitioning or transitioned, what is your current level of financial stress?

Not stressed at all Extremely stressed
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 18. Have you or did you engage with additional veteran support services prior to transition?

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* 19. How likely are you to engage/ use the following services if they were available in your area?

  Very likely Likely Somewhat likely Unlikely Very unlikely Unsure
DVA advocacy
DVA friendly GP
Further education opportunities
Recreation/ leisure activities
Dietition/ nutritionist
Psychologist/ counselling services
Treatment for gambling/ addiction/ drug and alcohol 
Employment support
Family counselling
Financial support
Financial counselling

Question Title

* 20. Rate your level of anxiety about the following items in anticipation of/ post-transition

  Very concerned Concerned Somewhat concerned Not concerned Not at all concerned Unsure
Financial stress
Housing arrangements
Child care/Educational opportunities for my children
Health care arrangements

Question Title

* 21. What is/ what was important to you when leaving the ADF?

  Important  Not Important
Move back to home town
Find employment related to my defence career
Find employment unrelated to my defence career
Stay in a similar location to where I am now
Continue education/ training
Medical treatment and rehabilitation

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* 22. What parts of transition process were/are the simplest for you? Check all that apply.

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* 23. What parts of transition process were/are the most difficult for you? Check all that apply.

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* 24. Have you attended any Defence offered transition programs?

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* 25. If you answered "yes" to the previous question,  how well did the Defence Transition programs prepare you for your transition?

Not at all prepared Fully prepared
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 26. What are the barriers to engaging with an Ex-Service Organisation for assistance?

  Very concerned Concerned Somewhat concerned Not concerned Not all concerned Unsure
Unaware of how to access services
Financial stress
Not feeling connected to the veteran community
Politics within ex-service organisations
I do not identify as a veteran

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* 27. Is there anything else that you would like to tell us?

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* 28. Are you willing to have a confidential interview with our researchers? If yes, please complete the contact details below,