Mint-Acitretin Voluntary Survey

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* 1. Have you done this survey before?

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* 2. Are you a:

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* 3. Have you visited the MINT-ACITRETIN Pregnancy Prevention Program website in the past?

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* 4. When visiting this website or program, what is the usual purpose of your visit? (check all applicable answers)

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* 5. For physicians, when you prescribe MINT-ACITRETIN, how often do you comply with various components of the MINT-ACITRETIN Pregnancy Prevention Program?

  Always As often as necessary I’d rather not say
Pregnancy Prevention Program booklet
Pregnancy Prevention Checklist
Patient Consent Form

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* 6. Which feature(s) of the program, if any, act as a barrier to its optimal implementation? (check all applicable answers)

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* 7. In your opinion, is there a need for more educational materials than what is currently available to help you in prescribing/dispensing acitretin products?