Contact Information

Question Title

* 1. First name

Question Title

* 2. Last name

Question Title

* 3. Faculty advisor

Question Title

* 4. Research theme

Question Title

* 5. Years as Postdoc

Question Title

* 6. Postdoc type

Question Title

* 7. Have you received the PME Postdoc Travel Grant before?

Question Title

* 8. Meeting/Conference Information (Name, Dates, Location)

Question Title

* 9. Please provide expected level of participation in the meeting

Question Title

* 10. Proof of abstract submission or meeting registration (if already registered)

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Question Title

* 11. For scientific meeting only: please upload your abstract if you have registered or planning to register as a presenter

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Question Title

* 12. Statement of purpose: provide a statement (<500 words) describing how the meeting will help you to advance your career or professional development goals

Question Title

* 13. Provide a statement on how remaining funds to attend the meeting will be acquired

Question Title

* 14. Letter of support from the Faculty Mentor containing the following:
a) explanation of why attending conference is essential to the applicant’s career advancement;
b) statement that the mentor does not have sufficient funds to support the full cost of attending the conference (this could include a summary of other efforts to secure such funding).

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Question Title

* 15. Upload the budget document. You can download the budget template here

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Question Title

* 16. Current curriculum vitae including a list of all conferences attended while at PME, participation type at each (i.e., paper, poster, talk) and who funded the conference (i.e., self-funded, fellowship, faculty member/department).

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