It's been 50 years since we attended Upper St. Clair High School. As we join together to celebrate all that we were and all that we are, we thought it would be interesting to review a few facts about ourselves (no judging here!). Take a moment to answer freely (this survey is anonymous). Cumulative information only will be shared at the reunion.
1.What was your favorite class in high school?
2.What was your favorite extra curricular high school activity?
3.Did you attend our Senior Prom?
4.Upon graduating from high school, what career path (if any) did you envision?
5.Did you end up in the career you envisioned upon graduating from high school?
6.What was your favorite song in high school?
7.What state or country do you currently live in?
8.How many children do you have?
9.How many grandchildren do you have?
10.Are you retired from your career?
11.What is your favorite pastime now?
12.What haven't you done yet that is #1 on your bucket list?
13.If you could relive your high school years, would you?
14.Please mark next to each part of the reunion weekend you are planning to attend (Please note, this is not an RSVP. To RSVP for these gatherings, see your email for instructions).