Tell us About Your Business! Hey Doula! Tell us about yourself! Question Title * 1. Please enter your name and email address: Name Email Question Title * 2. Would you like to be added to our email subscription list? Feel free to subscribe now: Yes No Question Title * 3. As a doula: (check more than one if applicable) I own an agency I work for an agency I work with a back up doula or partner I work independently (solo) I work with a co-op I am just starting out Tell us more if you like. Question Title * 4. The services I provide are: Labor Doula Support Postpartum Doula Support Placenta Encapsulation Infant Feeding Support Childbirth Education Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. How long have you been in the birth profession/industry? Question Title * 6. Do you, your agency, your employer, or your 1099 agent accept third party payments? i.e. Insurance, Medicaid, Carrot, etc. Yes No Feel free to explain in more detail here: Question Title * 7. Would you say your are well networked with other birth professionals in your area? I.E. Childbirth educators, obstetricians, midwives, hospital administrators, doulas, lactation support professionals, etc. Not at all Somewhat Moderately Mostly Definitely Question Title * 8. Are you satisfied with the level of success that you have acquired during your career? Not at all Somewhat Moderately Mostly Definitely Question Title * 9. How satisfied are you with the systems you have in place for your business? Dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Neutral Somewhat satisfied Very Satisfied Question Title * 10. Do you feel competent and efficient in your ability to support your clients? Not at all Somewhat Definitely Other (please specify) Submit