Landmarks Illinois Supporter Feedback Survey

Landmarks Illinois is approaching its 50th anniversary, and we are asking our supporters and members for their opinions on the preservation impact that LI has had over the past 50 years.

Please help us by thinking back as far as you can, and consider the questions below. A sentence or two is all that is needed!  

Thank you in advance for your response and, as always, for your involvement in preservation. 

*Your answers may be shared via LI promotional materials. Please email for questions or concerns.
1.First Name(Required.)
2.Last Name(Required.)
3.City/Town of Residence(Required.)
4.Which of the following represents your current association with Landmarks Illinois:(Required.)
5.When you think of Landmarks Illinois’ work over time, what preservation project is most memorable to you? Why?(Required.)
6.Why do you support Landmarks Illinois?(Required.)
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered