YWT Application |
AFL-CIO Young Worker Trainer Application
We're pleased that you're applying to be a Young Worker Trainer for 2017-18. This is an intensive opportunity to learn facilitation and curriculum development skills. It requires a significant time commitment of up to 2.5 weeks (3 different occasions between September 1, 2017 and July 1, 2018) of in-person work--in conjunction with the AFL-CIO Leadership Institute--plus numerous independent hours and conference calls to prepare and coordinate. Reading, writing, speaking and listening skills are involved in this process, as you will be responsible for drafting curriculum for the second session. The ability to make deadlines is very important.
In addition to providing coaching and training in the art of popular education, the AFL-CIO will cover your transportation and lodging costs--plus most meals for the three in-person gatherings.
We will interview a small group before making invitations to the YWT program.
For more information, contact Kate Shaughnessy at kshaughnessy@aflcio.org.