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Humanity is facing some urgent and important challenges. Leadership has never been more crucial. Your leadership is crucial.

Our experiences since the beginning of the global pandemic keep bringing us unique situations every day; situations which we do not have the answers for.

Connecting to your Presence as a Leader can make a critical difference to how authentic you are; how you generate and sustain relationships; and how you transform being + thinking + doing to build innovative solutions with your team.
It is as much about who you are 'being', as as what you are doing.

Thank you for completing this self assessment - this is your contribution to fact-based, global knowledge of leadership presence.
Please see below the 'Leadership Presence Model'. It is designed to explore how your presence impacts your effectiveness as a leader in your real context

Your time commitment is:
  • An estimated 30-60 minutes to complete the Leadership Presence self-assessment.

What happens next? 
You will receive your own Leaders with Presence self assessment summary.
When you get your report, we invite you to take your time to reflect on your strengths AND your learning edges - those places where you have room to learn and grow.

Question Title

* 1. Welcome and Consent

Welcome to Leaders With Presence 

As you get ready to embark on your Leaders with Presence self assessment - ask yourself:
  • What kind of thinking will enable me to solve both current and new problems?
  • Who do I need to be to grow my flexibility around persistent and  increasing change? 
  • How do I contribute to solving some of the massive problems we are all facing? 
Consider two perspectives which can help to assess your leadership presence: 
  • other leaders who illustrate or personify these aspects of presence for you; or 
  • your own experiences and feedback from people who know you well
Please use whichever approach works best for you around each question.

A Snapshot of one of your leadership roles...

We know that perspectives change, depending on where you are standing. Please step into this self-assessment with one of your leadership roles, or contexts, in mind. Your assessment provides a snapshot of this moment. You are an adaptable human - and your answers may be different next time.

Before we begin we need your consent....

This self-assessment process continues to add to the leadership research being conducted by Mary Britton. 

Mary is the originator, and leader of the Leaders with Presence.  The purposes of this are to:
  • provide a useful self-assessment of your Leadership Presence;  and
  • gather data that will build global shared understanding of Presence, and the differences it makes; and
  • keep testing the model, using your feedback, to ensure that the model (Leadership Presence Model) is as useful and effective for leaders as possible.
This survey is gathering data which will be used for publishable research. The research will grow understanding of leadership and leadership presence, for leaders, coaches, and others. 


All data gathered here is stored in a password protected electronic format. All information gathered from you will be held in confidence.

Electronic Consent 

Clicking on the "agree" button below indicates that:
  • you have read the above information
  • you voluntarily agree to participate
  • you are 18 years of age or older

If you do not wish to participate in the research study, please decline participation by clicking on the "disagree" button.

Question Title

* 2. Personal Details

Let's start with collecting some details about you, so we can email your individualised report to you.

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* 3. Which age group do you identify with

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* 4. Before you begin, let’s introduce you to our model for your self-assessment…

Our Leadership Presence Model includes 9 domains for leadership presence - which are:
  • Is Authentic
  • Listens
  • Speaks
  • Respects  
  • Contracts
  • Thrives
  • Shows Up
  • Focuses
  • Innovates  
Each domain represents a piece of the territory of your leadership presence.

Each domain interacts with the three sectors of how you:  
  • Create
  • Relate
  • Influence

Welcome to Leaders with Presence! Getting started

Remember those two possible perspectives? 
  • other leaders who illustrate or personify these aspects of presence for you; or 
  • your own experiences, including feedback from others
Please use whichever approach works best for you around each question.

Example Reflective Questions:

  • How do others listen to me?
  • What are the qualities of that listening?
  • How do I listen to others?
  • What are the qualities of that listening? 
Please step into this self assessment with one of your leadership roles or contexts in mind.

It's a Snapshot

We all change as we learn new things. Your assessment provides a snapshot of the moment you complete this process.

You are an adaptable human - and your answers may be different next time.

Question Title

I am authentic in my leadership 

Being authentic means being able to be yourself and to share your values and your passions in transparent ways. There's something vital here too about being adaptable.

Reflective questions:
  • Am I clear about what matters most to me?
  • Can I easily articulate my values?
  • Do I lead and behave in ways which reflect those values?
  • How do I know when others are authentic?
  • Do I have a ‘one size fits all’ approach to leadership which I always apply?
  • Do individuals sometimes ‘not fit’ my way?
There's an adaptability element here - it is about being OPEN to the diverse humans who show up in your world.

Do you find a unique way of responding when required?

I am authentic in my leadership.....

On a scale 1 - 10 I score my authenticity in my leadership as a... (1 = needs a lot of attention & 10 = I am strong and confident here).

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

I am able to truly listen (to myself and others) as a leader.
Listening well creates ‘an optimum environment’ so that the person you are listening to is free to express themselves; they know this is a safe space; they can trust that you accept them.  

Becoming a better listener is a life’s work – there’s always more to learn!
Reflective questions:
  • Am I able to set aside my bias, opinions and judgments; and set aside my agenda?
  • Do I believe that this person is doing the best they can with the resources they have?

I am able to truly listen (to myself and others) as a leader....

On a scale 1 - 10 I score my ability to truly listen (to myself and others) as a leader as a... (1 = needs a lot of attention & 10 = I am strong and confident here).

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

I am able to speak with intention in my leadership 

What you say matters -  to yourself, to your team members, to the whole team, the whole organisation, and the world.

Everything you say matters.

This one is about clarity, strategic intent, and humanity. With your words you create the vision; encourage and engage; thank and acknowledge; show courage and lead the way.

Reflective questions:
  • Do I speak clearly to share and amplify the important messages of the day?
  • Am I always ’walking my talk’?
  • Am I believable?
  • Am I building trust, honesty and transparency?
  • When I think of other leaders who speak in a way which enables and encourages me, what are the qualities of their speaking?  
I am able to speak with intention in my leadership....

On a scale 1 - 10 I score my ability to speak with intention in my leadership as a... (1 = needs a lot of attention & 10 = I am strong and confident here).

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

I am able to show up (for myself and others) in my leadership. 
Leaders make a difference!

Showing up is ‘walking your talk’ or ‘being your word’. It's about consistency. 

Can people count on you? Is what they see/what you say, what they get? 

Through your life you will have encountered leaders who have ‘shown up’ for you – seeing you, hearing you, supporting you to be even better and to succeed. And, you may have some examples of the difference you made for others as a leader by showing up.

Reflective questions:
  • How have other leaders shown up for you?
  • How do you show up for yourself and others in your leadership?
  • What are the qualities of your own leadership presence?
I am able to show up (for myself and others) in my leadership....

On a scale 1 - 10 I score my ability to Show Up as a... (1 = needs a lot of attention & 10 = I am strong and confident here).

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

I am able to innovate - to explore,  creative and generative -   I am innovative.

Change calls on you to be flexible and agile; to pay attention to what is shifting every day. And to be nimble in your thinking and your innovating so that you can respond, in line with your values, to whatever is coming next.

Reflective questions:
  • How innovative am I?
  • How adaptable am I?
  • How willing am I to listen to, accept and ‘play with’ new ideas – not always my own ideas?
  • How do I see innovation and adaptability in others?

I am able to innovate - to explore, creative and generative -  I am innovative...

On a scale 1 - 10 I score my ability to innovate - to explore, create and generate - to be innovative as a leader as a... (1 = needs a lot of attention & 10 = I am strong and confident here).

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

I am able to focus on what matters in my leadership

Framing, re-framing. Being able to zoom into the detail that matters most or to zoom out to the aspect of the vision which matters most... can you access multiple perspectives? Think from different levels? Include all the information, including the tensions and the paradoxes, in your decisions?

This is being alert and relaxed so you can do your best quality strategic thinking, which:
  • includes what the heart tells you;
  • accepts what the gut tells you; and
  • understands how to identify what matters most.

Some of this is skill; and some is connected to your willingness to receive all the data – the head data, the heart data and the gut data – yours and everyone else’s too.   

Reflective questions: 
  • Do I always succeed in directing my attention into the areas of most importance for both myself and others?
  • Am I able to hold the vision and not get distracted by problems or dramas? 
  • Am I able to shine a light on the detail which may be holding us up when that is what is most important?
Considering other leaders - think of examples when leaders have either done this well or done this badly and reflect on the impacts of that? 

I am able to focus on what matters in my leadership...

On a scale 1 - 10 I score my ability to focus on what matters in my leadership... (1 = needs a lot of attention & 10 = I am strong and confident here).

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

I am able to build and sustain thriving networks and relationships in my leadership 

In Māori culture there is a saying – "He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata , he tangata, he tangata".

In English we might say – "What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people, it is people."

As leaders we are certainly responsible for ‘the bottom line’ – for the financial and reputational success of our organisations. And good leaders understand that it is people who create, sustain and innovate to deliver success and keep it happening. People who personify the brand, and experience the culture. 

Reflective questions:
  • How great are you at creating, growing and sustaining relationships?
  • Do you foster relationships that are important for your leadership? Important for your people? Important for your reputation and success? 
  • Do you consider all of your people/stakeholders?

I am able to build and sustain thriving networks and relationships in my leadership...

On a scale 1 - 10 I score my ability to build and sustain thriving networks and relationships in my leadership... (1 = needs a lot of attention & 10 = I am strong and confident here).

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

I have empathy, I am able to respect and empower others in my leadership 

Psychological safety is a very strong indicator of your potential for high performance or for failure. Empathy generates psychological safety and respectful relationships.

We all want to be respected.

We value relationships in which we feel ease; ease around being myself; ease around saying what I think and what I feel; and ease around sharing my ideas. It is important too to be able to explore mistakes and lessons without recrimination. We cannot innovate if we deny the need to change.

Reflective questions:
  • What are your own experiences when people have created empathy and ease and psychological safety with you?
  • How is your own facility and confidence in offering a space of empathy and ease and psychological safety for others?
I am able to respect and empower others in my leadership...

On a scale 1 - 10 I score my ability to respect and empower others in my leadership as a... (1 = needs a lot of attention - 10 = I am strong and confident here).

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

I am able to contract and re-contract in my leadership

Contracting sets up the exact parameters of each relationship and interaction; establishing what, when, how and who; and building in the level of confidentiality and accountability required to deliver.

It delineates roles and responsibilities clearly - leaving no room for doubts or disparities. It includes expectations, values in action and outcomes.

Re-contracting acknowledges the changing nature of these parameters at times - and adds in the agility and the flex to re-contract for clarity around expectations, deliverables and outcomes. 

As you consider this assessment, bring to mind occasions when your expectations were not met because something about roles, responsibilities, methods or agreements was not clear from the beginning - and reflect on how that felt?

Now reflecting on yourself, take a moment to observe how well you set up the parameters for dialogue and your expectations for behaviours and outcomes with team members, colleagues and peers? (And customers and stakeholders.)

I am able to contract and re-contract in my leadership...

On a scale 1 - 10 I score my ability to contract and re-contract as a leader as a... (1 = needs a lot of attention - 10 = I am strong and confident here).

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 14. In completing this assessment please consider what may affect your scores ? When you score yourself do you notice any ‘hotspots’ or other ‘alerts’ which could trigger a better score or a less good score in different circumstances (eg at home; in social situations)?

Question Title

* 15. If ‘Yes’ to the previous question, please identify and comment on some of these triggers now...

Question Title

* 16. Consider now some of the different arenas of your life - such as family, social, friends, community, hobbies, passions, interacting with other organisations, causes, spiritual, recreational, fitness, legacy; please take a moment to  identify some examples of when you may have higher or lower Presence scores in these different arenas of your life. Please comment if you wish ...

Question Title

* 17. Leaders with Presence Assessment Critique

Question Title

* 18. Thank you and congratulations on completing your Leaders With Presence Self Assessment!

To receive a copy of your Leaders With Presence Report in the next 2 days please confirm you have saved in my contacts the email address

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