Alice Springs Town Council, in collaboration with Common Ground Trail, the design consultant for this project, is seeking your input on the design and features of the proposed Frances Smith Memorial Park Bike Facility. Common Ground Trail will also be facilitating the community consultation process to ensure the facility reflects local needs and aspirations.
This survey is an opportunity for you to share your preferences, ideas, and feedback, helping to create a facility that is safe, accessible, and enjoyable for users of all ages and skill levels.
Your valuable feedback will play a key role in shaping the future of this project. Thank you for taking the time to contribute!

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* 1. Your Details: (Optional)

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* 2. What types of equipment do you use for riding? (Please select all that apply)

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* 3. How would you describe your riding skill level?

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* 4. Which surface do you prefer for riding?

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* 5. How frequently do you ride?

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* 6. What time of the day do you typically prefer to ride?

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* 7. Do you participate in bike-related events or competitions?

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* 8. Would you use the facility for skills training or practice?

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* 9. Do you prefer riding alone or with others?

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* 10. How do you typically travel to the park?

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* 11. What age group would you like the bike park primarily cater to?

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* 12. Do you think the bike park should include beginner-friendly features?

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* 13. How important is environmental sustainability in the construction and maintenance of the bike park?

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* 14. What eco-friendly features would you like to see? (select all that apply)

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* 15. How would you rate the desirability of the following pump features for the bike park? Please indicate your preference for each feature.

  Very Desirable Desirable Neither Undesirable Very Undesirable
Berm to Berm
Flower berm
Hipped rollers
Double rollers
Rank face rollers
Big Jumps

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* 16. How would you rate the desirability of the following skills features for the bike park? Please indicate your preference for each feature.

  Very Desirable Desirable Neither Undesirable Very Undesirable
Balance logs
Rock/Log rollover
Log ride
Rock Garden

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* 17. What is the one feature or aspect you would most like to see included in the bike facility?

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* 18. Is there any additional suggestions you would like to share with us?