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Thank you for choosing the Crafted Career Programmes.

We are determined that this online learning journey is going to make a really positive difference so we'd love to hear about your user experience, whether you've finished or whether you're part way through the programme. 

The feedback you provide is totally anonymous and will be used to evaluate the impact of this learning programme, and then to make changes which enhance the content.

With your permission, anything nice you say might be used in our promotions (but only if you tick the permissions box).

Thank you, and all the best with continuing to enjoy your own Crafted Career!

Kirsty, Helen and Kathryn

Question Title

* 1. How would you describe your first impression of the Crafted Career Programmes?

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* 2. Consider this statement: "My knowledge about how Career Crafting can positively impact my work experience has grown"

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* 3. Consider this statement: "I am already using what I've learned on the Crafted Career Programmes"

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* 4. Consider this statement: "I found the content to be informative"

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* 5. What are the three most important learnings that you have taken from your Crafted Career Programmes experience?

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* 6. What did you enjoy the most about your Crafted Career Programmes learning journey?

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* 7. Was there anything that prevented you from completing the programme? (If so, please help us to understand what stopped you by telling us how to enhance the programme in the next question)...

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* 8. How could we make the content of the Crafted Career Programmes even stronger in the future?

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* 9. How likely is it that you would recommend The Crafted Career Programmes to a friend or colleague?


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* 10. Do you give us permission to share your comments about the Crafted Career Programmes? (this will be anonymous)

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