Transportation Demand Management (TDM) is a key recommendation of the CONNECT Beyond Mobility Plan.  Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey to provide input on the development of a regional TDM plan.

Question Title

* 1. What are the biggest transportation related barriers for our region today? (Ranking 1 to 6)

  1. Lack of convenient/desirable housing options  
  2. Overall congestion/traffic and its impact on quality of life 
  3. Lack of convenient transit connections to employment/healthcare/community centers
  4. Lack of sidewalks or bike lane connections to employment/healthcare/community centers
  5. Anxiety or lack of knowledge about non-SOV commute options 
  6. Lack of regional connectivity in moving across jurisdictional boundaries

Question Title

* 2. (Optional) In addition to those listed in Question 1, what are other barriers to transportation in our region?

Question Title

* 3. What TDM strategies do you see as the best fit for the region?  
(Ranking 1 to 6)

  1. Clean commuter incentive programs (i.e. gift cards, giveaways) 
  2. Clean commuter subsidy programs (i.e. transit passes, bikeshare memberships) 
  3. Worksite rideshare programs 
  4. Parking pricing strategies (e.g. parking cash out) 
  5. Promotional commuter events (i.e. Bike to Work Month) 
  6. Marketing travel campaigns for major events (i.e. Ride transit to Panthers game) 
  7. Marketing & communications about general transportation options 

Question Title

* 4. What TDM strategies do you see as the best fit in different community types (urban, suburban and rural)?

Question Title

* 5. Other Comments: