Independent Publication Survey Question Title * 1. What is your gender? Female Male Question Title * 2. What is your age? 18 to 21 22 to 25 26 to 30 31 to 36 37 to 45 46 to 55 56 to 65 65 and up Question Title * 3. How often do you travel for pleasure? Weekly Monthly Several times a year A few times a year Less than a few times per year Rarely ever Question Title * 4. What is your approximate average income? $0-$24,999 $25,000-$34,999 $35,000-49,999 $50,000-$74,999 $75,000-$99,999 $100,000-$149,999 $150,000-$199,999 $200,000 and up Question Title * 5. When you're not traveling, where does most of your disposable income go? Entertainment (gigs, concerts, movies, and events) Clothes & fashion Family Electronics Food (eating out) Drinks (wine, spirits, beer) Nightlife Home furnishings Accessories (incl. jewelry, watches, etc) Books Savings/investment I'm not sure Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What best describes the job sector in which you typically work? Financial services Charity and voluntary work Creative arts & design Engineering & manufacturing Environmental & agriculture Food & drink/ hospitality Marketing & PR Public services & admin Retail Sales Science & pharmaceuticals Education Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. What best describes the location you live in now? Village/remote Town Large town Small city Large city Suburb Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. How often do you purchase print publications? Weekly Monthly Several times a year A few times a year Less than a few times a year Never Question Title * 9. Are you currently subscribed to any magazines? (If so please list them below) Question Title * 10. In the past 12 months, which of the following publications have you purchased? (Please select all that apply.) Esquire Departures GQ The New Yorker Cereal Kinfolk National Geographic Rolling Stone The Economist Time Travel & Leisure Conde Nast Traveller Bon Appetit Details Apartamento AFAR Saveur Food & Wine Monocle WIRED Wallpaper None of the above I haven't purchased any magazines Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. Where do you normally purchase print publications? Online (from a large retailer) Online (from a small or independent web-shop) In person (from a large retailer) In person (from a small or independent shop) Question Title * 12. How often do you read print (books, magazines, etc)? Daily Frequently Occasionally Rarely Question Title * 13. What are the most interesting read(s) of a travel publication for you? Reading about local food Reading about history Reading about culture Reading about art/design Reading about social life Reading about special shopping opportunities Reading about museums, parks, and tourist spots Reading about nightlife & entertainment Other (please specify) Question Title * 14. When you travel, how often do you purchase a guide or magazine about the place you're visiting? All of the time Most of the time Some of the time Never Question Title * 15. What is the most you would spend on a magazine? $5 (£4, €4.50) $10 (£8, €9) $15 (£12, €13.50) $20 (£16, €18) $25 (£20, £22.50) I wouldn't spend anything Question Title * 16. What is the most you would spend on a travel guide? $5 (£4, €4.50) $10 (£8, €9) $15 (£12, €13.50) $20 (£16, €18) $25 (£20, £22.50) I wouldn't spend anything Question Title * 17. What length sections do you enjoy reading most in a magazine? Very short (1-2 paragraphs) Short (1 page) Medium (2-3 pages) Long (4-6 pages) Very long (7-10 pages) Question Title * 18. What theme(s) would be interesting to you (per issue)? Focus on one city Focus on one region Focus on on country Focus on a diverse range of places per issue Other (please specify) Question Title * 19. What would be most likely to attract you to a new travel publication? Beautiful photography Excellent journalism In-depth/well-researched feature pieces A huge amount of recommendations Great interviews and highlights of interesting people+ A cheap price Content that wasn't time sensitive A roster of exclusively local (to that location) photographers & journalists Beautiful layout Other (please specify) Question Title * 20. Would you buy a publication about a place that you didn't have plans to visit? Yes, definitely Yes, maybe I'm not sure No, probably not No, definitely not Question Title * 21. Is documenting "real life" important to you in a travel publication? Yes I'm indifferent No Question Title * 22. Would you like to know what it means to "live like a local"? No, this is not important for me I'm indifferent This is interesting to me, but not important Yes, this is important for me Question Title * 23. Which of the following excites you most? Learning about a place/culture you know nothing about Learning about a place/culture you know a little about Learning more about a place/culture you know about Learning more about a place/culture you know a lot about I don't have a particularly strong opinion about any of these Other (please specify) Question Title * 24. Of the below, what is the most attractive title for a travel publication? "Burgher" - (def: a citizen of a town) "Piepowder" - (def: from anglicized French for "dusty-footed" itinerant merchants) "Spell" - (def: a short period) "Here" - (def: in, at, or to this place or position) "Linger" - (def: stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave) "Fare"- (def: to go; travel. to eat, to drink) Submit