Small Business Survey (less than 50 employees) Question Title * 1. How long have you been in business? Less than 1 year 2-5 years 5-10 years Over 10 years OK Question Title * 2. Which of the following social networking websites do you currently have an account with? (Check all that apply) Google+ LinkedIn Instagram YouTube Facebook Twitter Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 3. How often do check each one of those for updates and feedback? Hourly Daily Weekly Monthly ... I'm supposed to check them?.. OK Question Title * 4. Have you ever run an ad on any of them? If so which one (s) and what were the results? Facebook LinkedIn Others? And what were the results? Frustration? Wasted money? It was so awesome I went to Tahiti to celebrate! Tell me. OK Question Title * 5. How many hours do you spend a week online trying to learn how to market your business? 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 My laptop has fused with my lap. OK Question Title * 6. On a scale of 1-5, how frustrated are you with your online searches? (Just trying to find recent and accurate information on how to use Social Media to connect with your potential customers) 1- OMG, nothing is more fun than sitting at my computer and doing searches. 2- I can think of a better use of my time, but this needs to be done. 3- Seriously?... this article is 4 years old? 4- I'm about to put this laptop through a wall. I've tried 4 sets of keywords, changed the date range and I'm still chasing links down rabbit holes. 5- I will give you my first born child if you can save me this hassle. But not my second born... that one does dishes. OK Question Title * 7. In your own words, tell me what your biggest challenge is with finding information on how to connect with your customers and grow your business. OK Question Title * 8. Please give me some info about you and your business. Honestly, I'm not going to sell your info or share it. I just want to be able to share some cool stuff I find online that might help you. You can always unsubscribe if I become a burden. Name * Company Email Address * OK DONE