We would appreciate you taking the time to answer the following questions as honestly as possible. Your responses are treated as confidential, and will not become a part of your personal file. We believe that the information is of vital importance and will assist in analyzing our employee retention and turnover. Thank you for your cooperation!

Question Title

* 1. Employee name (not required):

What did you think of your supervisor regarding the following questions:

Question Title

* 2. Demonstrated fair and equal treatment

Question Title

* 3. Provided recognition on the job

Question Title

* 4. Developed cooperation and teamwork

Question Title

* 5. Encouraged/listened to suggestions

Question Title

* 6. Resolved complaints and problems

Question Title

* 7. Followed policies and practices

Question Title


How would you rate the following in relation to your job:

Question Title

* 9. Cooperation within your department

Question Title

* 10. Cooperation with other departments

Question Title

* 11. Communications in your department

Question Title

* 12. Communications within the company as a whole

Question Title

* 13. Communications between you and your manager

Question Title

* 14. Morale in your department

Question Title

* 15. Job satisfaction

Question Title

* 16. Training you received

Question Title

* 17. Growth potential

Question Title

* 18. Was your workload usually:

Question Title


How did you feel about your salary and the employee benefits offered:

Question Title

* 20. Base salary

Question Title

* 21. Medical plan

Question Title

* 22. Dental plan

Question Title

* 23. Vision plan

Question Title

* 24. 401K plan

Question Title

* 25. Life insurance

Question Title

* 26. Paid time off

Question Title

* 27. STD/LTD plan

Question Title

* 28. Stock options

Question Title


Question Title

* 30. How frequently do you have discussions with your manager about your career goals?

Question Title

* 31. What do you like most about your job and/or this company?

Question Title

* 32. What do you like least about your job and/or this company?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. If you have any questions, please contact Jen Fackelman at jenfackelman@apeaceofmindwellness.com