
Is climate change on your risk radar - as a physical risk, transition risk or in some other form? We want risk managers to tell us how their organisations are preparing for the risks and opportunities arising from climate change and the shift to a low carbon economy.

Please take part in our quick survey. Your responses will be anonymised. The results will appear in this year's annual special climate change report in the Q3 edition of StrategicRISK, as well as being published on our website.

On behalf of each respondent, StrategicRISK will donate EUR 10 to the Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Zurich Commercial Insurance and the Z Zurich Foundation will match it by each donating the equivalent amount to the DREF*.
*up to €3,000 each until July 31st 2024

If you are experiencing any difficulties in completing this survey please contact Debbie Kidman at debbie.kidman@newsquest.co.uk.

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* 1. Profile

How we use your data
We will use your data to share the anonymised results of the survey with you. We will also add your details to our customer management database. Any responses you give in the survey will be anonymised and will not be associated with you as an individual. For more information about how we use your data please read our privacy policy.

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* 6. How does your organisation treat climate change from a risk perspective?

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* 7. How engaged is your board and executive management with climate related risk?

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* 8. To what extent is your company's climate-related risk management strategy impacted by government policy and regulation?

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* 9. Are external events, such as geopolitical turmoil, growing cyber threats, macroeconomic volatility etc, diverting senior management, board, or risk management team attention away from climate-risk management?

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* 10. Which of the following is driving your organisation's approach to climate change risk? (please pick 5 options and rank them based on importance - 1 being the most important - 5 being the least important)

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* 11. Has your organisation experienced losses in the last five years that could be attributed to climate change?

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* 12. If you answered yes to question 11, have these losses increased or decreased?

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* 13. If you answered yes to question 11, were the losses experienced directly by your organisation?

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* 14. To what extent do you anticipate climate change will impact your business over the next decade?

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* 15. Is the transition to a low carbon economy mainly a threat or opportunity for your business?

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* 16. How important do you consider the insurance sector’s role in providing services to mitigate climate change? Please score as 1 being 'extremely important' and 5 being 'not important at all'

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* 17. Do you have internal resource in your risk management function dedicated to sustainability and climate risks?

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* 18. For which of the following have you already quantified the risks and opportunities. Please choose all that apply:

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* 19. How many times has your company revised its risk management strategy in the last three years to better account for climate change?

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100% of survey complete.