Peer Support Pre-Pilot Questionnaire
The Saanich Peninsula Physicians Society, South Island Division of Practice, South Island Medical Staff Association, and Victoria Division of Practice are working together to pilot a peer support program in our region.
Peer support involves confidential, short-term, emotional support conversations among colleagues who understand the unique stressors and challenges faced by physicians. Physician peer supporters have training and the ability to facilitate referrals to additional services if needed. Peer support is not therapy, clinical or career mentorship, or direct clinical care.
Please take a moment to answer these 4 brief questions to help us understand what our community of physicians needs. Your answers will be anonymous and will help us develop a program that meets your needs.
How many times in the past year do you think you could have benefited from a peer support conversation, if there had been a program to connect to?
I would never feel comfortable with peer support
No times in the past year
1-2 times
3-4 times
5 or more times
For what reasons/situations do you think a peer support conversation might be helpful? (Check all that apply)
Adverse clinical event or patient outcome
Patient or college complaint
Interpersonal/relational conflict with a patient or colleague
Burnout/moral injury
Acute life stressor that impacts your work (e.g., personal relationship, parenting, bereavement, etc.)
Anything else?
what concerns do you have about reaching out to a peer supporter, which might prevent you from doing so?
Privacy concerns
Embarrassed to reach out
Lack of time to connect with someone
Fear of reprisal or consequences
Discomfort talking about emotions or personal issues
Not sure if it would really help
Anything else?
What else would you like us to take into consideration to ensure you feel safe and comfortable during peer support conversations?