A community owned pub for Helpston?

You may be aware that the Bluebell Inn at Helpston is currently on the market and available for sale as a going concern.

For most villages a pub is a vital service; it is a meeting place, communication centre and an important lynchpin of village life. Much of the appeal of our village rests on its sense of community. It is the reason many people have moved here and remain here. The presence of the pub does, we feel, greatly enhance that community spirit.

There is an opportunity to purchase it on behalf of the community and preserve its role at the heart of Helpston – not just as a pub, but as a focus for community cohesion, providing services and facilities way beyond serving drinks and food.

We need to know if we have the support of the community to pursue this idea and what Helpstonians think the pub should offer in the future.
Community assets are owned by Members (sometimes known as shareholders) and are run democratically on the basis of one-member-one-vote. Membership is voluntary, affordable, and open to all in a community, and is a way of ensuring the community has a genuine say in how the business is run. Member control and input ensures the pub business is continually adapting and serving the needs of its members and wider community.

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* 1. If The Bluebell was run by the community in Helpston would you or any member of your household use it?

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* 2. What additional services would you be most like to see the pub offer (you can choose more than one)

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* 3. Are there any community services you would like to see on offer at the pub? For example, warm hub, local charity groups, walking groups, pop-up health services etc.  When and how would you like these services to be part of the pub’s offering?

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* 4. What kind of catering would you like to see at the pub? (you can choose more than one)

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* 5. On a scale of 0 – 5 (where 0 is not important and 5 is very important), how important do you think it is to have a local pub in Helpston?

i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 6. Please state how many people in each age range there are in your household

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* 7. Would you or anyone in your household be interested in helping our community pub project in any way by: (you can choose more than one)

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* 8. Would you be interested in supporting the bid financially

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* 9. If you have indicated in Q8 an interest in acquiring shares (for yourself or your family) in the community business, what sort of level would you be looking at

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* 10. All the profit generated by the pub would be put back into our community, please indicate below which village entities you would like to see supported (you can choose more than one)

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* 11. How often do you want to hear from our organization about fundraising?

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* 13. Please provide your mobile number if you would like to be contacted via text message