Following on from the fantastic feedback we have had in shaping the draft of the new Resident Engagement Strategy, we are seeking further feedback on the updated version. A huge thank you to the near 700 residents that took the time to be a part of this, as this has helped PCH to draft a strategy with 5 objectives that we feel represents the views of residents, whilst aligning with the values that PCH holds.

Your feedback on our Resident Engagement Strategy will help us to develop and grow over the next 5 years, by aligning our purpose and objectives to PCH residents' need and expectations. We appreciate the effort people put into this kind of feedback so there is a chance of winning a £75 Love to Shop voucher (or supermarket voucher of your choice)

PCH would like your feedback on the updated version of the Resident Engagement Strategy that is enclosed with this survey

*Please note this strategy is still a draft version and not for wider distribution*

Deadline - This survey will close at 11pm on Sunday 16th June 2024.
If you would like to know more please feel free to call us on 0808 230 6500 or email

Objective 1: Embed a culture of resident engagement throughout PCH'

  • Measurable service improvement achieved through delivering against the first organisation-wide Resident Engagement Strategy
  • Resident led scrutiny
  • All staff will see resident engagement and customer insight as part of their job
  • PCH-wide influence and pulling together on Tenant Satisfaction Measures improvements
  • Positive complaints culture

Question Title

* Is this objective clear?

Question Title

* Does the objective reflect what you want to see from PCH?

Question Title

* What can PCH do to better embed a culture of resident engagement throughout the organisation?

Objective 2: Deliver inclusive engagement with fair access

  • Inclusive resident engagement projects and activities built on a true understanding of residents, and perspective of PCH residents' demographic, particularly around protected characteristics
  • All service standards are fit for residents' needs and set collaboratively
  • Increase in the number and diversity of residents engaged

Question Title

* Is this objective clear?

Question Title

* Does the objective reflect what you want to see from PCH?

Question Title

* What more can PCH do to ensure that engagement activities are accessible and appealing to a diverse range of residents?

Objective 3: Deliver resident engagement that is high quality and value for money

  • Collaborative engagement methods focused on areas of influence and change
  • Partnerships and community investment that achieve sustainable outcomes
  • Community engagement that supports service delivery and outcomes across PCH
  • Prioritisation and allocation of PCH resources are informed by customer insight

Question Title

* Is this objective clear?

Question Title

* Does the objective reflect what you want to see from PCH?

Question Title

* Do you feel that resident engagement activities provide a good use of resources, and achieve good value?

Objective 4: Provide training and support that empowers residents

  • Bespoke resident learning offers that fit residents' aspirations, including employment, life skills and tenancy skills
  • Building skills for residents engaged in community projects and groups
  • Building knowledge and skills on PCH services to support involvement in the organisation

Question Title

* Is this objective clear?

Question Title

* Does this objective reflect what you want to see from PCH?

Question Title

* Are these the right priorities for resident learning?

Objective 5: Demonstrate listening to residents' voices and feedback the difference made

  • Demonstrable resident's voice in all decisions
  • Consistent and accessible feedback mechanisms to inform residents of the difference their engagement has made
  • A resident engagement offer that meets or exceeds best practice for the sector
  • Resident communications that are clear and accessible

Question Title

* Is this objective clear?

Question Title

* Does this objective reflect what you want to see from PCH?

Question Title

* Do you feel the Resident Engagement Strategy will help PCH to grow and demonstrate improvement?

Question Title

* Do you feel that this strategy reflects your needs and expectations as a resident?

Question Title

* Are there any areas you feel are missing or need more focus?

Thank you for your feedback. In this section we ask you to tell us a bit more about yourself. This will help us find out what different types of respondents consider to be important. Please note all feedback is confidential and will be anonymised in report.

Question Title

* Are you a PCH resident?

Question Title

* Which of these age groups are you in?

Question Title

* Are you?

Question Title

* To which of these groups do you belong?

Question Title

* Which of these best describes your current circumstances? (Please tick all that are relevant)

Question Title

* Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback. Please select from the following options. Please note: You can unsubscribe at any time by contacting the Communities Team.

Question Title

* Please enter your details below if you have ticked any box above

Question Title

* Have you completed a PCH survey before?

Question Title

* How satisfied were you with this feedback form?

Question Title

* Do you agree that PCH values suggestions and ideas from residents and uses this feedback to influence service quality and delivery?

Question Title

* Do you agree that PCH works in partnership with residents and provides opportunities for you to hold us to account about the quality of our homes and services?

Thank you for completing our survey. For information about this survey or to discuss getting involved, please contact Communities Team on FREEPHONE 0808 230 6500 or email

Please note this survey is confidential. All survey results will be anonymised in report. You are only asked to give your contact details if you have specified that you want to be entered into the PCH prize draw (1 x £75 Love2shop voucher (or supermarket of your choice) to be won by a PCH tenant or have ticked any of the boxes re feedback or joining an info list. A Prize Draw Winner will be chosen at random after the survey has closed. The winner will be notified in due course. We will not publicise the winner's details unless we have permission to do so. For more information on how we handle your personal data and your individual rights, please refer to the Privacy Notices on our website or request a paper copy from us. Please note with regard to specific problems or complaints we recommend that you contact your Housing Officer or discuss your complaint with our Customer Experience Team by calling 0800 230 6500. Please note we will not accept comments that are discriminatory, defamatory or that use offensive language.