2024 CAH&C Community Health Needs Assessment Survey

This survey is completely anonymous. All responses will be combined and reported to help assess the health needs of our community. Your participation is valuable and greatly appreciated
1.How would you rate your current overall health?
2.If you and/or members of your household have insurance coverage, how is it obtained? (check all that apply)
3.What are the biggest barriers to accessing healthcare in your community? (Select all that apply)
4.How often do you travel outside your community to receive healthcare services?
5.Do transportation issues prevent you from accessing healthcare?
6.How far do you travel to reach your primary healthcare provider?
7.Would improved availability of public, private, or emergency transportation options make it easier for you to access healthcare services?
8.In the event that you or someone you know needed Primary Care Services, do you believe that it could be accessed in Macoupin County?
9.In the event that you or someone you know needed Specialty Care Services, do you believe that it could be accessed in Macoupin County?
10.Are you a Veteran?
11.Are you a Disabled Veteran?
12.How would you describe the current level of healthcare access for veterans, including those with disabilities, in our community?
13.Would you or someone you know be interested in pursuing a career in healthcare?
14.Do you think there are enough resources (e.g., scholarships, career counseling) for individuals interested in healthcare careers in your community?
15.How easy is it for you to access affordable, healthy food in your community?
16.Have you experienced any health issues due to food insecurity? (e.g., diabetes, obesity, malnutrition)
17.What do you believe are the main barriers to accessing healthy food in your community?
18.How would you rate your overall mental health?
19.What barriers do you or someone you know face when trying to access mental health care? (Select all that apply)
20.How knowledgeable do you feel about available mental health resources in your community?
21.In your opinion, how can the community better support individuals with mental health issues?
22.In the past 12 months, have you or someone you know personally experienced issues related to drug abuse or addiction?
23.If you or someone you know were struggling with substance use or addiction, how easy would it be to find treatment or support in your community?
24.Have you or someone you know been diagnosed with any chronic disease (such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, asthma, etc.) by a healthcare professional? (Please select all that apply)
25.In your opinion, how important is the expansion of specialty healthcare services (such as cardiology, oncology, mental health, orthopedics, etc.) in your community? Please rate the following statement:

"Expanding access to specialty healthcare services in my community is important."
26.If you feel that expanding specialty healthcare services is important, which specialties do you believe should be prioritized in your community? (Please select all that apply)
27.In the past 12 months, have you or someone you know used any technology-based healthcare services, such as telehealth, remote online doctor visits, or other similar services?
28.Would having more access to telehealth or remote online healthcare services improve your ability to receive care?
29.How would you describe your overall level of physical activity?
30.What factors, if any, prevent you from being more physically active? (Select all that apply)
31.What is the zip code of your residence?
32.What is your sex?
33.Please select your age group
34.What is your highest level of education?
35.What is your employment status?
36.What is your household income level?