Evaluating fire history/ fire regimes (CFC reserve stand of 1820s origin pine)
Evaluating fire history/ fire regimes (CFC reserve stand of 1820s origin pine) BEFORE 1 = Poor
Evaluating fire history/ fire regimes (CFC reserve stand of 1820s origin pine) Attendiing 2
Evaluating fire history/ fire regimes (CFC reserve stand of 1820s origin pine) Workshop 3 = Excellent
Evaluating fire history/ fire regimes (CFC reserve stand of 1820s origin pine) AFTER 1 = Poor
Evaluating fire history/ fire regimes (CFC reserve stand of 1820s origin pine) Attendiing 2
Evaluating fire history/ fire regimes (CFC reserve stand of 1820s origin pine) Workshop 3 = Excellent
CFC red pine understory treatment (burn, mechanical, herbicide) (Gilmore/D'Amato project plots)
CFC red pine understory treatment (burn, mechanical, herbicide) (Gilmore/D'Amato project plots) BEFORE 1 = Poor
CFC red pine understory treatment (burn, mechanical, herbicide) (Gilmore/D'Amato project plots) Attendiing 2
CFC red pine understory treatment (burn, mechanical, herbicide) (Gilmore/D'Amato project plots) Workshop 3 = Excellent
CFC red pine understory treatment (burn, mechanical, herbicide) (Gilmore/D'Amato project plots) AFTER 1 = Poor
CFC red pine understory treatment (burn, mechanical, herbicide) (Gilmore/D'Amato project plots) Attendiing 2
CFC red pine understory treatment (burn, mechanical, herbicide) (Gilmore/D'Amato project plots) Workshop 3 = Excellent
FDL Deadfish Lake - blueberry burns, and riparian management with fire (bonus discussion on FDL history and wild rice management)
FDL Deadfish Lake - blueberry burns, and riparian management with fire (bonus discussion on FDL history and wild rice management) BEFORE 1 = Poor
FDL Deadfish Lake - blueberry burns, and riparian management with fire (bonus discussion on FDL history and wild rice management) Attendiing 2
FDL Deadfish Lake - blueberry burns, and riparian management with fire (bonus discussion on FDL history and wild rice management) Workshop 3 = Excellent
FDL Deadfish Lake - blueberry burns, and riparian management with fire (bonus discussion on FDL history and wild rice management) AFTER 1 = Poor
FDL Deadfish Lake - blueberry burns, and riparian management with fire (bonus discussion on FDL history and wild rice management) Attendiing 2
FDL Deadfish Lake - blueberry burns, and riparian management with fire (bonus discussion on FDL history and wild rice management) Workshop 3 = Excellent
FDL white pine shelterwood - three past understory burns, temporal regeneration expectations
FDL white pine shelterwood - three past understory burns, temporal regeneration expectations BEFORE 1 = Poor
FDL white pine shelterwood - three past understory burns, temporal regeneration expectations Attendiing 2
FDL white pine shelterwood - three past understory burns, temporal regeneration expectations Workshop 3 = Excellent
FDL white pine shelterwood - three past understory burns, temporal regeneration expectations AFTER 1 = Poor
FDL white pine shelterwood - three past understory burns, temporal regeneration expectations Attendiing 2
FDL white pine shelterwood - three past understory burns, temporal regeneration expectations Workshop 3 = Excellent
Optional #5 site visit - CFC 1850s origin Rook sale + Firewise thinning
Optional #5 site visit - CFC 1850s origin Rook sale + Firewise thinning BEFORE 1 = Poor
Optional #5 site visit - CFC 1850s origin Rook sale + Firewise thinning Attendiing 2
Optional #5 site visit - CFC 1850s origin Rook sale + Firewise thinning Workshop 3 = Excellent
Optional #5 site visit - CFC 1850s origin Rook sale + Firewise thinning AFTER 1 = Poor
Optional #5 site visit - CFC 1850s origin Rook sale + Firewise thinning Attendiing 2
Optional #5 site visit - CFC 1850s origin Rook sale + Firewise thinning Workshop 3 = Excellent