Use this tool to report a fault or maintenance issue in a building or on the campus grounds. This information is sent to the UWA Sport Operations Team to address. Please be aware that you may be contacted for further information on your submission.

If your fault/works require URGENT attention such as a burst pipe, power outage, toilet overflowing or lift breakdown, call Campus Management Client Service Desk immediately on 6488 2025 (8am-4pm weekday) or Security on 6488 2222 (outside these hours)

Question Title

* 1. Name of person reporting?

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* 2. Contact number of person reporting?

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* 3. Which sports club or organisation are you associated with?

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* 4. Which venue and/or grounds were you using?

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* 5. When were you using the venue and/or grounds?


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* 6. What type of fault are you reporting?

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* 7. What are the details of the maintenance issue/s?
*Please outline with as much information as possible including potential cause of the issue and how it is impacting the occupants of the space*

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* 8. Please upload any photos of the maintenance issue/s?

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.