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Urban Wood/Biomass Fate

The project is interested in better understanding the fate/use of dead wood/biomass (removal of trees or pruning) from the urban forest (street trees, parks, natural remnants) across Canada. We would like you to provide responses that consider the urban forest as a whole, but you may break your responses into categories of urban land cover if there are specific areas for which you are more or less certain.

Where you provide expert opinion, please provide a most likely value and a range of uncertainty (+/-).

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* 1. Fill-in form municipal information

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* 2. Does your organisation/municipality track urban forest inventory?

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* 3. Does your organisation/municipality track tree mortality?

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* 4. Does your organisation/municipality track pruning /maintenance activities in the urban forest?

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* 5. Do the contractors/city staffers track the amount of biomass removed from dead trees or maintenance?

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* 6. Does your organisation/municipality track how urban wood/biomass is used?

0 of 15 answered