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Your Work, Your Union, Your Views

Please take 2 minutes to share your views of your employment with the MoD Guard Service Today. All info shared will be held in the strictest confidence.

Unite is a member-led trade union and the best way for us to ensure that we understand what is important to members and workers is by talking to and gathering as much info from as many people as possible.

We would kindly ask that you take the time to complete this short survey and make sure you encourage as many others as possible to do likewise.

You will likely note that we are asking for a bit of additional personal/contact information. We are taking this opportunity to also update our membership records. Please take the time to fill out the relevant sections at the start of this survey.

Please note that all and any info shared as part of this survey will be held as strictly private & confidential to Unite only. No personal information or views will be shared with any other third party, including your employer.


Question Title

* 1. Your Name

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* 2. Job Title

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* 3. Are you employed by the MoD Guard Service

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* 4. Your work location or base

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* 5. House Name/Number

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* 6. Postcode

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* 7. Phone Number

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* 8. Email Address

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* 9. Union membership. 

Are you a member of:

Question Title

* 10. Your Concerns at Work

What are your Top 3 issues/concerns about your work with the MGS? 

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* 11. How would you rate the Covid-19 safety measures and protections put in place for employees by MGS management?

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* 12. How would you rate the quality and supply of Personal Protective Equipment and MGS uniforms/clothing and footwear provided by the employer?

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* 13. Unite has had reports that some members feel they are bullied and/or harrassed at work. 

Have you been bullied at work?

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* 14. Getting Involved

You can get as involved with the trade union as you like.Below is a list of options on how you can get involved. Please check ALL the boxes that apply to you

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* 15. Unite may set up location/base specific WhatsApp Groups to support the sharing of information and to assist you to address your concerns at work.

Please check the boxes below that apply to you. 

(N.B: By consenting to being added to WhatsApp Group you understand that others who are also in the group will be able to see your profile name, your phone number and anything you post).

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* 16. Is there anything else you would like to share with Unite just now?

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