Ben’s key takeaways about the decision in Unicity Holdings Ltd. v. Great British Vape Co. 

Take 2 minutes to review Ben's key takeaways from this case.  Do you agree with each takeaway? Choose "Yes" or "No".
1.It is important not to overstate your case – it can lead to a loss of credibility.  It can also lead courts to discount potentially strong claims, detracting from the overall strength of your case.
2.It is important for a franchisee who is de-identifying a store to ensure that the store does not continue to use any unique identifying features of the former franchise system, like colour, distinctive physical features, menu names, etc.
3.For franchisors, it is important to articulate what is truly distinctive and unique about their franchise systems.  Franchisors should narrow down a list of de-identification steps and clearly communicate it to a franchisee before a dispute arises.
4.If the franchisor is negotiating the de-identification of a store with a franchisee, he or she should be specific about all franchise elements that must be removed to avoid future disputes with the franchisee about de-identification.  The parties should try to agree on a schedule and a list of all required changes that must be done to the store layout to properly de-identify it.
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