Nurses sharing their stories will directly impact our team's ability to negotiate better wages for all of our nurse colleagues. We intend to share with management the stories of financial hardship that RNs are currently facing.  Join other RNs and share your story and your name so your bargaining team can deliver the most impactful message to management. Although actual names help make a more impactful impression, if you prefer to be anonymous, enter your initials or "Concerned UW RN."

If you would like to send a picture to help personalize your story, please help show that nurses have a life outside of the hospital.  We will be making a montage as a visual. Send to  

Question Title

* 1. Full name

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* 2. Cell number (will not be shared)

Question Title

* 3. Personal email (will not be shared)

Question Title

* 4. Your story:

Thank you!