UWL Market Updates Survey

We want your feedback on the UWL Market Updates

Thank you for subscribing to UWL Market Updates. We want to improve our updates to ensure they're meeting your needs, and we would love your feedback! It will only take a couple minutes to complete. We appreciate it.
1.Overall, how useful are the UWL Market Updates to you?
2.We cover a variety of topics in the Market Updates. Please indicate how important each topic is to you.
Not at all important
Slightly Important
Moderately Important
Very Important
Extremely Important
Ocean Import Updates
Ocean Export Updates
Port and Location-Specific Updates
Air Freight Updates
Blank Sailings & Equipment Report
Consumer & Economic Trends
Customs, Trade & Regulatory Updates
3.Are there any topics missing from the Market Updates that you would like to see covered?
4.Do you use the Blank Sailings & Equipment Report?
5.Do you find the length of the Market Updates to be too long, too short or about right?
6.How often do you prefer to receive Market Update information?
7.Would you be interested in receiving the Market Update in different formats? Please check which ones you are interested in.
On a scale of 0 to 10,
How likely is it that you would recommend UWL Market Updates to a friend or colleague?
0 for Not at all likely, 10 for Extremely likely
Not at all likelyExtremely likely
9.Do you have any other comments, concerns, issues, joys or happinesses to share regarding our Market Updates?
Current Progress,
0 of 9 answered